§ Mr. WrayTo ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster what information he has as to the average percentage increase in the cost of mail services in(a) Belgium, (b) Denmark, (c) France, (d) the Federal Republic of Germany, (e) The Netherlands, (f) Norway, (g) Spain, (h) Sweden and (i) the United Kingdom for each year since 1974.
§ Mr. ForthDetails of United Kingdom letter prices for each year since 1974, with the percentage increase on the previous year, are shown in the table.
Information on postal tariff increases in the other countries named during the years in question on a comparable basis is not readily available to this Department or to the Post Office and could be obtained only at disproportionate expense.
Year Average index Percentage increase 1978 191.7 7.0 1979 194.1 1.3 1980 248.9 28.2 1981 307.2 23.4 1982 342.5 11.5 1983 338.5 -1.2 1984 349.6 3.3 1985 372.6 6.6 1986 392.5 5.3 1987 401.0 2.2 1 Rebate give to customers. An index for commercial customers may be calculated by removing from British Telecom's telecommunications charges index those items which are included in the RPI. In addition to the telephone, this index includes charges for telex, leased lines and customer premises equipment, as follows:
Year3 2 Average index Percentage increase 1975 100 1976 164.8 64.8 1977 189.1 14.7 1978 186.5 -1.4 1979 185.9 -0.3 1980 189.2 1.8 1981 219.6 16.1 1982 261.9 19.3 1983 268.4 2.5 1984 270.5 0.8 1985 284.6 5.2
Year3 2Average index Percentage increase 1986 303.9 6.8 1987 309.3 1.8 2 Source British Telecom. 3 Year ending March. Information on increases in telephone charges in other countries named during the years in question on a comparable basis is not available and could be obtained only at disproportionate expense.