HC Deb 19 October 1988 vol 138 c951W
Mr. McNamara

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many strip searches were made of female prisoners in Her Majesty's prison, Maghaberry, in July, August and September, respectively, giving the number of persons involved and number of times each person was searched; if any prison contraband, smuggled item or illegal correspondence was discovered in any search, indicating which items; in how many cases prisoners refused to be searched and had to be restrained while the search was being conducted; and what were the reasons for the search under each of the following headings(a) making a remand appearance at a trial, (b) attending trial, (c) inter-prison visit or (d) other reasons.

Mr. Ian Stewart

The information requested is as follows:

Number of Searches July August September
Total number of searches carried out 28 18 29
Total number of inmates searched 20 13 22
Number of prisoners searched once 12 9 15
Number of prisoners searched twice 8 3 7
Number of prisoners searched more than twice 1
Reasons for Search
First admission on remand/awaiting trial 12 5 5
First admission on sentence/final discharge 11 11 21
Attending remand court

Name of non-departmental public body Number of staff Functions
Interim Council for Catholic Maintained Schools 21 full time 3 part time In consultation with the Department of Education and Education and Library Boards to negotiate, establish and implement educational policy in general educational matters and in areas of management of Catholic maintained schools
Northern Ireland Centre for Learning Resources 17 full time 2 part time The Centre provides high-level audio-visual and print design resources to support the education and training of teachers and to help to facilitate curriculum development work in schools
Mental Health Commission for Northern Ireland 7 To keep under review the care and treatment of people suffering from mental disorder and to monitor the operation of the operation of the Mental Health (NI) Order 1986
Northern Ireland Health Promotion Committee Nil To provide services to support Government policies to promote good health and prevent disease
Technology Board for Northern Ireland 8 departmental staff (of whom 5 are employed by DED) To advise Government on strategic scientific technological and industrially related research and development issues
Northern Ireland Advisory Committee on Travellers Nil To advise the Minister on ways and means of securing such improvements as they may deem necessary or desirable in the living conditions of the Travelling People in Northern Ireland