HC Deb 19 October 1988 vol 138 c871W
Mr. Spearing

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what principles he has adopted in his policy for coastal defence; what proposals he has for future defence works; and what bodies may be in future responsible for their adoption.

Mr. Ryder

The Ministry in providing grant aid for coastal defence, gives highest priority to schemes which provide protection to people and property. To qualify for grant, schemes must be technically appropriate, economically justified and environmentally sympathetic. Coastal and drainage authorities regularly provide information on their programmes of work which assist the Ministry in planning future grant expenditure.

In parallel with our proposals to privatise water and sewerage utilities, it is intended that water authorities' responsibilities for coastal defence should be transferred to the proposed National Rivers Authority, together with other river management and regulatory functions. Otherwise present arrangements, whereby works programmes are decided by regional or local land drainage committees and financed by precept in constituent county councils, will continue.

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