HC Deb 30 November 1988 vol 142 cc268-9W
Mr. Austin Mitchell

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what has been the increase in the money supply since May 1979; and what contribution was made by the public and private sectors, respectively.

Mr. Lilley

Figures for the money supply are published regularly in the Bank of England "Quarterly Bulletin," "Financial Statistics" and "Economic Trends." Most of the published aggregates are defined as assets of private sector United Kingdom residents. There is therefore no public sector contribution. MO is an exception and includes all currency in circulation, including that held in the public sector. No split between public and private sector holdings is available.

Mr. Austin Mitchell

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will publish in theOfficial Report a table showing the percentage increase in the real money supply between February 1974 and May 1979 and between May 1979 and the latest date for which figures are available.

Mr. Lilley

There is no universally accepted definition of the real money supply. But figures for the money supply are published regularly in the Bank of England "Quarterly

Company Date of sale Net proceeds (£ million) to 1987–88
Amersham International February 1982 64
Associated British Ports February 1983 46
April 1984 51
BAA July 1987 1534
British Aerospace February 1981 43
May 1985 347
British Airways January 1987 854
British Gas December 1986 23,587
British Petroleum October 1979 276
June 1981 8
September 1983 543
October 1987 3859
British Sugar Corporation July 1981 44
British Telecom November 1984 3,685
Britoil November 1982 627
August 1985 426
Cable and Wireless October 1981 181
December 1983 263
December 1985 577
Enterprise Oil June 1984 384
National Enterprise Board holdings December 1979 354
Forestry Commission ongoing 114
National Freight Consortium February 1982 5
Plant Breeding Institute September 1987 66
Rolls-Royce May 1987 1,028
Royal Ordnance April 1987 187
Miscellaneous4 2,252
Total5 17,401
1 Total estimated net proceeds £1.160 million; 2nd instalment 19 May 1988.
2 Total estimated net proceeds £5,080 million; 3rd instalment 19 April 1988.
3 Total estimated net proceeds £5,310 million; 2nd instalment 30 August 1988, 3rd instalment due 27 April 1989.
4 Includes British Gas Debt, British Telecom Loan Stock and Preference Shares, Land Settlement, Motorway Service Leases, New Town Development, Commodity Stocks, Oil Stockpiles and North Sea Oil Licences.
5 Figures exclude proceeds from sales of subsidiaries; these are retained by parent industry. Main sales in this category were:

£ million
1982–83 International Aeradio (BA) 60
British Rail Hotels 30
1983–84 British Rail Hotels 15
1984–85 Jaguar (BL) 297
Sealink (BR) 40
Wytch Farm (BGC) 82
1985–86 Warship Yards (BS) 54
Sealink (BR) 26
1986–87 BA Helicopters 14
Unipart (Rover) up to 52
Leyland Bus (Rover) 4
British Coal Subsidiaries 0.5
1987–88 British Transport Advertising 40.5
Istel (subsidiary of Rover Group) 47.6

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