HC Deb 29 November 1988 vol 142 cc196-7W
Mr. Ashley

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many audiological technicians posts are currently vacant; what percentage this is of the National Health Service establishment; and what have been the percentage figures of vacant posts in each of the last five years.

Mr. Mellor

We do not collect information on vacant posts centrally.

Mr. Ashley

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what steps he is taking to increase the supply of audiology technicians for the National Health Service.

Mr. Mellor

Any action needed is a matter for individual health authorities to decide.

Mr. Ashley

To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will list the different types of specialist staff involved with audiological work giving the nature of their responsibilities, and their training.

Mr. Mellor

The main types of specialist staff involved with audiological work are ear, nose and throat surgeons, audiological physicians, audiological scientists, audiological technicians and hearing therapists. Their responsibilities cover a wide spectrum of work in respect of diagnosis, treatment and management of people whose hearing is impaired. Each group is trained in accordance with requirements specified by the responsible professional body or the appropriate employing authority.

Mr. Ashley

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how long the training of audiology technicians lasts; and what proportion of this time is spent on work directly relevant to testing hearing for the provision of a hearing aid.

Mr. Mellor

The initial training of audiology technicians, leading to employment in the basic grade, takes two years. Of this time, a half to two-thirds is spent on work directly relevant to the testing of hearing prior to the selection and provision of hearing aids and in learning how to select and fit such aids. Further training of the technicians takes place in the basic and higher grades in the fitting of more complex and high-powered aids and in instructing patients in their use in a variety of home and work environments.

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