HC Deb 04 May 1988 vol 132 c485W
Sir Brandon Rhys Williams

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will publish tables comparable to those published to indicate the effect of the Budget income tax tables, continuing up to income of £2,000 per week, illustrating the tax and national insurance position of couples in 1989–90 both having income from employment and also where the wife's income is derived from

Comparisons between the proposed 1988–89 regime and independent taxation
£ per week
NIC Income tax Net income
Total income Husband's income Wife's income Husband's Wife's Existing joint tax charge Independent taxation Existing regime After independent taxation
Husband's tax Wife's tax
1. Total income split 50-50 per cent. between husband and wife. Income all earned
100 50 50 2.50 2.50 .00 .00 .00 95.00 95.00
200 100 100 7.00 7.00 17.79 5.31 12.48 168.21 168.21
400 200 200 18.00 18.00 67.79 30.31 37.48 296.21 296.21
800 400 400 27.45 27.45 174.95 80.31 87.48 570.15 577.31
1,000 500 500 27.45 27.45 248.58 112.83 124.29 696.52 707.98
1,500 750 750 27.45 27.45 448.58 212.83 224.29 996.52 1,007.98
2,000 1,000 1,000 27.45 27.45 648.58 312.83 324.29 1,296.52 1,307.98
2. Total income split 75–25 per cent. between husband and wife. Income all earned
100 75 25 5.25 .00 .00 .00 .00 94.75 94.75
200 150 50 13.50 2.50 17.81 17.81 .00 166.19 166.19
400 300 100 27.00 7.00 67.79 55.31 12.48 298.21 298.21
800 600 200 27.45 18.00 201.76 152.83 37.48 552.79 564.25
1,000 750 250 27.45 22.50 274.26 212.83 49.98 675.79 687.25
1,500 1,125 375 27.45 27.45 455.51 362.83 81.23 989.59 1,001,05
2,000 1,500 500 27.45 27.45 648.58 512.83 124.29 1,296.52 1,307.98
3. Total income split 50–50 per cent. between husband and wife. Husband's income all earned and wife's income all investment income1
100 50 50 2.50 .00 5.31 .00 .00 92.19 97.50
200 100 100 7.00 .00 30.31 5.31 12.48 162.69 175.21
400 200 200 18.00 .00 80.31 30.31 37.48 301.69 314.21
800 400 400 27.45 .00 232.83 80.31 87.48 539.72 604.76
1,000 500 500 27.45 .00 312.83 112.83 124.29 659.72 735.43
1,500 750 750 27.45 .00 512.83 212.83 224.29 959.72 1,035.43
2,000 1,000 1,000 27.45 .00 712.83 312.83 324.29 1,259.72 1,335.43
4. Total income split 75–25 per cent. between husband and wife. Husband's income all earned and wife's income all investment income1
100 75 25 5.25 .00 5.31 .00 .00 89.44 94.75
200 150 50 13.50 .00 30.31 17.81 .00 156.19 168.69
400 300 100 27.00 .00 80.31 55.31 12.48 292.69 305.21
800 600 200 27.45 .00 232.83 152.83 37.48 539.72 582.25
1,000 750 250 27.45 .00 312.83 212.83 49.98 659.72 709.75
1,500 1,125 375 27.45 .00 512.83 362.83 81.23 959.72 1,028.50
2,000 1,500 500 27.45 .00 712.83 512.83 124.29 1,259.72 1,335.43
1 Assumed paid gross.