HC Deb 23 March 1988 vol 130 cc169-72W
Rev. Martin Smyth

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will list for each health and social services board those projects in the child care field which involve joint statutory/voluntary co-operation and give the funds and sources of funds involved; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Needham

[holding answer 7 March 1988]: During the financial year ended 31 March 1987, the four health and social services boards provided the following bodies with the amounts of grant aid shown for programmes of activity wholly or largely in the child care field.

Eastern Board
Barnardo's 281,664
Belfast Women's Aid 59,777
Craigmore 85,000
St. Joseph's 250,000
Crescent Day Nursery Group 1,000

Contact Youth Counselling Service 2,250
Children's Community Holidays 1,005
Eliza Street Family Day Centre 76,560
Extern Organisation 24,000
Family Care Centres 64,183
Good Shepherd Convent 25,320
Little Sisters of the Assumption 4,418
Mother and Baby Clubs 2,411
Moyard Hostel 2,086
Nazareth Lodge 96,000
Save the Children Fund 17,629
Sydenham House Committee 7,000
St. Vincent De Paul Society 7,462
Ulster Quaker Service 3,000
Women's Groups 3,402
The Eastern board also provided organisations managing pre-school playgroups with grant aid amounting to 872,482
Eastern Board Total 1,886,649

Western Board
Save the Children Fund 94,627
Extern—Intermediate Treatment 26,443
De La Salle Boys' Home 8,826
Nazareth House Londonderry 47,642
The Western board also provided approximately 60 pre-school playgroups and mother and toddler groups with grant aid amounting to 138,604
Western Board Total 316,142

Northern Board
Coleraine Women's Aid 14,169
The Northern board also provided approximately 80 pre-school playgroups and mother and toddler groups with grant aid amounting to 66,745
Northern Board Total 80,914

Southern Board
Banbridge Youth Club 1,487
Brownlow Inter Agency Youth Support Group 1,000
Gingerbread Group, Craigavon 407
Gingerbread Group, Armagh 106
Gingerbread Group, Banbridge 264
NI Pre-school Playgroup Association 375
Orana Children's Home, Newry 50,000
Save the Children Fund 2,750
The Southern board also provided approximately 40 pre-school playgroups and mother and toddler groups with grant aid amounting to 29,487
Southern Board Total 85,876

In addition, voluntary children's homes received £1,762,412 from the four health and social services boards as maintenance payments for individual children living in them. In the same period the Department of Health and Social Services provided grant aid to bodies in the child care field totalling £492,986

Voluntary organisations in the child care field may also be eligible for funding from other statutory sources, including the Department of Education, the Department of Economic Development, the Probation Board for Northern Ireland, district councils and education and library boards.

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