HC Deb 24 June 1988 vol 135 c747W
Mr. Gordon Brown

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland in which regional council areas service men are exempt from requirements to register for the poll tax.

Mr. Lang

In general, adult United Kingdom service personnel and their families who are solely or mainly resident in the area of a local authority will require to register for and pay the personal community charge in the normal manner. The position of those United Kingdom service personnel in Scotland who are exceptionally mobile and for whom individual registration for the personal community charge would be impracticable is the subject of continuing discussion between the Scottish Office and the Ministry of Defence. These arrangements will not apply to visiting forces which, in fulfilment of the United Kingdom's international treaty obligations, will be exempt from personal community charge liability. Provisions covering the position of visiting forces are contained in the Local Government Finance Bill.

Mr. Gordon Brown

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what discussions he has held with the United States Government over registration and payment of community charge by United States service men stationed in Scotland.

Mr. Lang

None. The Ministry of Defence is the principal point of contact between Her Majesty's Government and the United States forces stationed in the United Kingdom. That Department is in regular contact with the United States authorities on a wide range of matters, including the implications for visiting forces of the introduction of the community charge.