§ Mr. SpearingTo ask the Secretary of State for Transport if he will list in theOfficial Report all studies and investigations he has announced concerning the planning or improvement to all modes of transport in the Greater London area, stating, for each, the purpose of the study, by whom it is being undertaken and the date of expected publication.
§ Mr. David MitchellI have announced the following relevant studies and investigations which are yet to be completed: 531W
Study Purpose Undertaker Expected publication date Stage 2 of London Assessment Studies To indentify practical options for tackling transport problems in four areas of London Ove Arup and Partners, Travers Morgan Planning, Mott Hay and Anderson, Sir William Halcrow and Partners Spring-early summer 1989 Western Environmental Im-provement Route Investigation into carriageway standards, junctions and associated management measures Husband and Co. Public Consul ta-tion on study options by end 1988 Trunk Road Signing Review To review London's trunk road signing with a view to the provision of better information along main routes MVA Consultancy No plans Development of Traffic Management and Accident Prevention Measures To examine systematically all traffic management measures currently used on trunk roads W. S. Atkins and Partners No plans M25 Review To assess traffic trends on M25 and adjacent radial routes, identify existing and potential problem areas and recommend solutions Rendel, Palmer and Tritton No plans M25 Widening Study To investigate the best way of providing a fourth lane in each direction between junctions 15 and 16 Sir William Halcrow and Partners No plans Central London Rail Study To develop a strategy for improving services in the Central London area and to provide for forecast demand up to the end of the century while maximising the use of existing assets Joint study by Department of Transport British Rail and London Regional Transport An initial report is expected in July. Further work will be required before publication is considered Central London Employment Trends To provide an appreciation of likely future trends in employment in London and hence in demand for rail services Joint study by Department of Transport and British Rail Expected to report early 1989 Channel Tunnel Rail Capacity Study To examine options for increasing route, seating and terminal capacity between London and Channel tunnel in the longer term British Rail By BR in July 1988