HC Deb 14 June 1988 vol 135 cc93-4W
Mr. McNamara

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many category A women prisoners there were in Her Majesty's prison, Durham, in April and May; and how many strip searches were made on these prisoners in that month, indicating strip searches before and after consultation with legal advisers, after visits and after cell changes, wing searches and cell searches, and listing reasons for searches and illegal contraband or smuggled items found.

Mr. Douglas Hogg

During April and May, there were three category A women prisoners in Durham prison. The number of occasions on which each was strip-searched during each month is shown in the table:

Weekday Weekend
Unlocking1 7.30 7.30
Breakfast 7.50 7.45
Work commences 8.30
Church Service2 09.00
Association/Outside activities 10.30
Lunch 12.00 12.00
Work commences 13.00
Association/Outside activities/Visits 13.15
Tea 16.50 16.45
Association 317.30 17.30
Supper 19.30 19.30
Association ends 20.30 20.30
Lock-up (Lights out) 22.30 22.30
1 As inmates are housed in dormitories with access to night sanitation, there is no slopping out.
2 Attendance voluntary.
3 On weekdays, evening association includes education classes.