HC Deb 29 July 1988 vol 138 cc669-70W
Mr. Nicholas Bennett

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will list the reductions in(a) milk production and (b) milk quota in each European Community country in 1987–88 as a percentage of (i) national production and (ii) European Community production, together with the cumulative total for all years since 1984.

Mr. Donald Thompson

The information requested is contained in the following tables:

(i) (ii)
National Production EC 10 Production
1986–87 1986–87
Belgium* -4.3 -0.14
Denmark -5.7 -0.28
France* -4.0 -1.02
Germany* -10.0 -2.39
Greece* +8.8 +0.04
Ireland -4.7 -0.26
Italy +0.9 +0.08
Luxembourg -5.3 -0.02
Netherlands -8.0 -0.98
United Kingdom -5.9 -0.93
EC 10 -5.9
Spain* -4.0 10.18
EC 11 -4.0 -5.9
1 Percent. of EC 11.

Note: Quota in all member states was reduced by 6 per cent, in 1987–88 although this was partially offset in the members states marked with an asterisk by transfers between direct sale and wholesale quota. In addition, Spain was allocated a further 50,000 tonnes of wholesale quota from the Community reserve.

Change in quota (wholesale) between 1986–87 and 1987–88 as a percentage of:
(i) (ii)
National Production EC 10 Production
1986–87 1986–87
Belgium -5.7 -0.19
Denmark -6.0 -0.29
France -5.6 -1.43
Germany -5.7 -1.37
Greece -7.1 -0.03
Ireland -5.7 -0.32
Italy -6.2 -0.53
Luxembourg -5.5 -0.02
Netherlands -5.9 -0.72
United Kingdom -5.9 -0.92
EC 10 -5.79
Spain -3.9 1 -0.17
EC 11 -5.71 -5.70
1 percentage of EC 11

Cumulative change in production between 1983–84 and 1987–88 as a percentage of 1983–84 production:
Cumulative change
Belgium -3.5
Denmark -12.9
France -6.2
Germany -15.3
Greece +15.5
Ireland -2.9
Italy +3.8
Luxembourg -2.7
Netherlands -13.4
United Kingdom -12.0
EC 10 -9.7

Cumulative change in milk production (EC 10) between 1983–84 and 1987–88 compared with difference between 1983–84 production and 1987–89 quota:
Production reduction Quota reduction
9.7 10.1

Note: Data on milk production was obtained from Eurostat, and the latest available information for 1987–88. Wholesale quota allocations were taken from the appropriate EC regulations and include allocations of quota from the Community reserve. The Eurostat figures are for "deliveries to dairies"; this differs slightly from the definition of "wholesale deliveries" for quota purposes so that the Eurostat milk production figures are not strictly comparable with quota.