HC Deb 29 July 1988 vol 138 cc790-3W
Mr. Robin Cook

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will give for each year since 1974–75 (i) total National Health Service expenditure, (ii) current expenditure on hospital and community health service, (iii) capital expenditure on hospital and community health service, (iv) expenditure on family practitioner services, (v) expenditure on centrally funded National Health Service services and (vi) expenditure on personal social services; if he will give each(a) in cash terms, (b) adjusted using the relevant pay-prices index and (c) adjusted using the gross domestic product deflator; and if he will place in the Library details of the methods used to make these adjustments.

Mrs. Currie

[holding answer 18 February 1988]: The information requested is as follows.

(b) Gross Expenditure (England) in £ million (Purchasing power at 1987–88 prices)
National Health Service Hospital and Community Health Service Family Practitioner Services Central Health and Miscellaneous Services3 Other NHS Capital2 Personal Social Services
Current Capital
1974–75 14,444 9,899 898 2,840 11 2,472
1975–76 14,824 10,066 925 2,937 14 2750
1976–77 14,987 10,097 900 3,081 13 2,776
1977–781 15,122 10,403 696 3,199 13 2,771
1978–79 15,388 10,661 724 3,417 14 2,896
1979–80 15,297 10,601 664 3,394 20 2,995
1980–81 15,719 10,924 724 3,483 16 3,074
1981–82 16,174 11,151 847 3,621 28 3,014
1982–83 16,411 11,241 871 3,869 22 3,078
1983–84 16,557 11,243 883 3,943 32 3,162
1984–85 16,769 11,230 955 4,055 32 3,231
1985–86 16,850 11,251 980 4,057 44 3,246
1986–87 17,052 11,307 1,010 4,154 47 3,446
1987–88(estimated) 17,367 11,477 1,026 4,296 42 n/a
1988–89(plan) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

(c) Gross expenditure (England) in £ million (real terms at 1987–88 prices)
National Health Service Hospital and community health service Family practitioner services Central health and miscellaneous services Other NHS capital Personal social services
Current Capital
1974–75 12,608 8,659 894 2,565 478 11 2,547
1975–76 13,213 9,027 958 2,709 504 15 2,715
1976–77 13,320 9,101 921 2,789 497 13 2,742
11977–78 12,925 8,943 716 2,772 482 14 2,636
1978–79 13,186 9,074 751 3,023 324 14 2,694
1979–80 13,416 9,303 711 3,040 341 21 2,811
1980–81 14,766 10,350 823 3,218 357 18 2,923
1981–82 15,073 10,403 905 3,375 361 30 2,933
1982–83 15,344 10,421 882 3,641 376 23 2,997
1983–84 15,518 10,460 871 3,735 422 31 3,095
1984–85 15,966 10,595 940 3,935 465 31 3,151
1985–86 15,940 10,533 964 3,910 489 40 3,156
1986–87 16,578 10,942 1,009 4,065 515 47 3,395
41987–88 17,367 11,477 1,026 4,296 526 42 n/a
51988–89 18,167 12,085 973 4,539 531 39 n/a


n/a-Not available.

1Figures for 1978–79 and later years are not directly comparable with figures for 1977–78 and earlier years because of differences in the composition of different programmes (e.g. the costs of FPS administration and of the PHLS are included in the CHMS programme prior to 1978–79; in subsequent years expenditure on these items is included in FPS and HCHS programmes respectively).

2Service specific inflation factors are not available for earlier years; for consistency HCHS (Capital) factors have been used for all years.

3Because of the variety and multiplicity of individual budgets it is not meaningful to derive a single inflation factor for CHMS expenditure.



Pay and Price inflation 1974–75 to 1987–88
NHS total HCHS current HCHS capital FPS1current PSS2(current and capital)
Year on Year per cent. Index (1987–88 base) Year on Year per cent. Index (1987–88 base) Year on Year per cent. Index (1987–88 base) Year on Year per cent. Index (1987–88 base) Year on Year per cent. Index (1987–88 base)
1987–88 8.0 100.0 8.5 100.0 5.1 100.0 7.3 100.0 6.6 100.0
1986.87 6.3 108.0 6.9 108.5 5.0 105.1 5.0 107.3 4.8 106.6
1985–86 5.3 114.8 5.2 116.0 5.9 110.4 5.3 112.7 5.6 111.7
1984–85 6.0 120.9 5.8 122.0 4.2 116.9 6.9 118.6 4.0 118.0
1983–84 5.0 128.1 5.1 129.1 2.0 121.8 5.4 126.8 5.3 122.7
1982–83 7.5 134.6 6.5 135.7 1.6 124.2 8.2 133.7 7.2 129.2
1981–82 9.0 144.6 8.2 144.5 3.2 126.2 10.8 144.6 12.4 138.5
1980–81 27.0 157.7 28.0 156.3 25.9 130.2 22.4 160.3 20.2 155.7
1979–80 19.6 200.2 20.5 200.1 20.7 164.0 18.3 196.1 17.9 187.1
1978–79 11.0 239.5 9.6 241.1 11.7 197.9 13.0 232.0 8.3 220.6
1977–78 9.5 265.8 8.6 264.3 14.3 221.1 9.0 262.2 9.6 238.9
1976–77 12.9 291.1 13.8 287.0 12.0 252.7 11.1 285.8 13.3 261.9
1975–76 28.3 328.6 28.8 326.6 30.6 283.-0 28.3 317.5 20.4 296.7
1974–75 421.6 420.7 24.4 369.6 407.4 357.2

1The figures for earlier years have been adjusted from those used on previous occasions to put them on a consistent basis.

2For 1983–84 and later years the figures include both capital and revenue inflation. For 1982–83 and earlier years the figures reflect only PSS pay and price inflation in respect of revenue expenditure. Comparable information in respect of capital inflation for earlier years is not available but the difference is not thought to be significant.

General inflation (June 1988) 1974–75 to 1987–88
Year on year increase percentage Index (1987–88 base)
1987–88 5.03 100.0
1986–87 3.38 105.0
1985–86 5.97 108.6
1984–85 4.42 115.1
1983–84 4.70 120.1
1982–83 7.12 125.8
1981–82 9.90 134.8
1980–81 18.57 148.1
1979–80 16.87 175.6
1978–79 10.70 205.2
1977–78 13.89 227.2
1976–77 13.19 258.7
1975–76 25.66 292.9
1974–75 368.0
Source: Treasury (GDP deflators).