§ Mr. AtkinsonTo ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list the members of the review body on treasure trove laws and those organisations whom he proposes to consult.
§ Mr. MoynihanThere is no review body as such. On 11 February I announced the issue by the Department and the Welsh Office of a consultation paper on arrangements for reporting archaeological finds. Responses to this will be evaluated by officials, who will take into account the conclusions of a recent paper by the Law Commission on the law of treasure trove and a review by an interdepartmental group of officials under Treasury chairmanship of the arrangements for payment of awards to finders of treasure trove. Copies of the consultation paper have been sent to a number of interested individuals and to the representative organisations as set out. We shall be happy to provide further copies to any other groups or individuals who wish to contribute to the review.
- Ancient Monuments Society
- Association of Archaeological Officers
- Association of Chief Police Officers
- Association of County Councils
- Association of District Councils
- Association of Larger Local Councils
- Association of London Authorities
- Association of London Borough Planning Officers
- Association of Metropolitan Authorities
- Avon County Council
- Brick Development Association
- British Aggregate
- British Association of Landscape Industries
- British Ball Clay Producers Federation
- British Coal
- British Fluorspar Producers
- British Gas Corporation
- British Museum
- British Numismatic Society
- British Pre-cast Concrete Federation
- British Property Federation
- British Reclamation Industries Confederation
- British Telecom
- British Waterways Board
- C. Scope International (Metal Detector Manufacturers)
64 - Cement Makers Federation
- Central Council for Physical Recreation
- Central Electricity Generating Board
- Chartered Institute of Building
- Chief Professional Planning Appeals Commission (N. Ireland)
- China Clay Association
- Civic Trust
- Confederation of Construction Specialists
- Conservation Society
- Cornish Chambers of Mines
- Council for British Archaeology
- Council for Environmental Conservation
- Council for National Parks
- Council for the Protection of Rural England
- Country Land Agents and Valuers Association
- Country Landowners Association
- Countryside Commission
- County Planning Officers Society
- County Surveyor's Society
- Department of Transport
- Detector Information Group
- District Planning Officers Society
- Dorset Archaeological Committee
- Faculty of Architects and Surveyors
- Federation of Civil Engineering
- Federation of Master Builders
- Federation of Small Mines of Great Britain
- Forestry Commission
- The Geological Society
- The Georgian Group
- The Guild of Surveyors
- Hays Group Ltd (Metal Detector Manufacturers)
- The Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission
- The Home Office
- House Builders Federation
- Incorporated Association of Architects and Surveyors
- Institute of Building
- Institute of Chartered Foresters
- Institute of Civil Engineers
- Institute of Field Archaeologists
- Institute of Mining Engineers
- Lake District Special Planning Board
- Law Commission
- Law Society
- Local Authorities Association
- London Boroughs Association
- Lord Chancellor's Department
- Metropolitan Planning Officers Society
- Midland Archaeological Society
- Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
- Museums Association
- Museums and Galleries Commission
- Museum of London
- National Amenities Societies
- National Association of Agricultural Contractors
- National Association of Opencast Coal Operators
- National Association of Local Councils
- National Brick Federation
- National Council of Building Material Producers
- National Council for Metal Detecting
- National Farmers Union
- National Federation of Building Trade Employers
- National Federation of Clay Industries
- National Heritage Memorial Fund
- National Housebuilding Council
- National Housing and Town Planning Council
- National Trust
- Nature Conservancy Council
- Northern Ireland Office
- Office of Arts and Libraries
- The Open Spaces Society
65 - Peak Park Joint Planning Board
- Police Federation
- Prehistoric Society
- The Ramblers Association
- Royal Commission on Historical Monuments for England
- Royal Institute of British Architects
- Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors
- Royal Numismatic Society
- Royal Society for Nature Conservation
- Sand and Gravel Association
- Scottish Development Department
- Silica and Moulding Sands Association
- Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings
- Society of Antiquaries
- Society of Museum Archaeologists
- Standing Conference of Rural Community Councils
- Standing Conference of Archaeological Unit Managers
- Standing Local Authority Officers on Land Reclamation
- Stone Federation
- Surrey Archaeological Society
- Tenant Farmers Association
- Timber Growers of Great Britain Ltd
- The Treasury
- Trust for Wessex Archaeology
- Victorian Society
- Wiltshire Archaeologists and Natural History Society