HC Deb 19 April 1988 vol 131 cc397-8W

  1. 1. On 27 October 1987 asked the Interim Advisory Committee on School Teachers' Pay and Conditions to examine and report to me on certain issues. I enclose a copy of the Committee's report which is being published today. The Committee's recommendations are summarised in Chapter 7 of its report. I propose to make an Order giving effect to the recommendations referred to in paragraphs 2 to 6 below. But before I take a decision on what provision I should make, I invite your views. This letter therefore initiates the consultation required by Section 3(1) of the School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Act 1987.
  2. 2. I propose to accept the Committee's recommendation that the salaries of all qualified teachers should be raised by a uniform percentage to the figures set out at paragraph 4.4.1 of the Committee's report with effect from 1 April 1988. As a result of accepting the recommendation in paragraph 4.1.16 about the distribution of the £300m, the salaries and allowances for unqualified teachers and the allowance for teachers of the visually impaired and hearing would be increased by the same percentage as for qualified teachers.
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  4. 3. I propose to accept the recommendation in paragraph 5.3.6 that the rates of the London area allowances should be increased by 7.5 per cent. with effect from 1July 1987.
  5. 4. I propose to accept the recommended increases in the value of the incentive allowances (paragraphs 4.3.9, 4.3.11 and 4.3.12) to the following annual amounts with effect from 1 April 1988.

Rate Annual Amount £
A 800
B 1,200
C 2,400
D 3,200
E 4,400

  1. 5. I see advantages in the Committee's recommendation in paragraph 4.3.7 that the programme of introduction of the A allowances should be accelerated. I had been envisaging that there would be a further 12,000 A allowances from September 1988 with additions of a similar number in each of the two subsequent Septembers. In the light of the Committee's recommendations about accelerating the introduction of A allowances I believe that this further expansion of 36,000 A allowances should be spread over two years rather than three, with 18,000 further A allowances from September 1988 and a further 18,000 from September 1989. This will mean some revisions to the limits relating to incentive allowance A in Annex A to Appendix I of the 'School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document 1987'.
  2. 6. I propose to accept the Committee's recommendation in paragraph 5.4.11 about the social priority allowance.
  3. 7. The Order I propose to make to give effect to all of the above would do so by bringing into effect a new School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document. The Committee's remaining recommendations do not require other changes to this year's revision of the Document : I do not therefore propose to change the Document in response to these recommendations. Nor is it intended to revise the RSG settlements for 1988–89 on account of the proposals set out in paragraph 2 to 6 above.
  4. 8. Any comments on the proposals set out above and on any other matters raised in the report are invited by 10 May. If you would like to express your views in a meeting would you let my office know of this as soon as possible so that any meetings with myself or officials can take place by 13 May at the latest.
  5. 9. Following these consultations a revised version of the Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document will be prepared. There will then be opportunity to comment on the precise wording of the amendments to the Document prior to the publication of the new Document and the laying before Parliament of an Order which will give effect to the provisions in the revised Document.
  6. 10. The Interim Advisory Committee say that they hope it will be possible for a copy of the report to be seen by teachers in every maintained school. Enough copies of the report are being sent to each local education authority for a copy to be circulated to each school.

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