§ Mr. Andrew Smithasked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster what was the total value of invisible exports, invisible imports and the invisible balance of trade, between Britain and the third World, broken down into oil-exporting countries and the rest of the world, in each of the last five years.
§ Mr. AtkinsComprehensive annual data on invisibles relating to the areas mentioned are not available.
§ Mr. Andrew Smithasked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster if he will list the totals of new investment, reinvestment and disinvestment by Britain in the Third World and by the Third world from Britain, in each of the last five years.
§ Mr. AtkinsThe available information relates to overseas direct investment. The value of acquisitions and disposals of share capital by UK companies in the companies in the developing countries and the value of reinvested profits in the overseas concerns are given in Table 1. The value of acquisitions and disposals of share capital of UK companies and of profits reinvested in the UK by companies in the developing countries are shown in table 2. The data relating to outward direct investment will be published in approximately two months time inBusiness Monitor MA4 1985.
The net totals shown in tables 1 and 2 include only those items requested and hence exclude changes in the levels of current account and long-term loan balances and in branch/head office indebtedness, all of which are normally included in the published series for foreign direct investment in Business Monitor MA4.
709W1 Developing countries are defined as Asia, Africa (excluding South Africa), Caribbean, Central and South America, Oceania and Yugoslavia.
2 Excludes oil companies.
Table 2 Direct investment by the developing countries1 in the United Kingdom £ million 21981 21982 21983 1984 1985 Acquisition of United Kingdom companies' share capital by companies in the developing countries 238 87 87 71 — Disposal of United Kingdom companies' share capital by companies in the developing countries 10 — 5 26 — Re-invested earnings from developing countries direct investments in the United Kingdom 35 6 27 -2 102 Net Total 263 93 109 43 239 1 and 2 See table 1. —Not available.