HC Deb 03 November 1987 vol 121 c631W
30. Mr. John Townend

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what are the latest figures available for the cost to maintain public funds of nationals of the Irish Republic studying at British educational institutions.

Mr. Jackson

Information is only available to allow a calculation to be made in respect of full-time and sandwich students from the Irish Republic attending United Kingdom universities, polytechnics and colleges. Such students, along with students from other EC member states, are charged fees at the home rate, the cost of implied subsidy for the 1,000 students from the Irish Republic in 1985–86 being estimated at £3.5 million.

In addition, since 1986–87 full-time and sandwich students from EC member states on first degree and diploma courses are eligible for reimbursement of the tuition fee otherwise payable if they meet broadly similar residence requirements to those which United Kingdom students on the same courses have to satisfy to have tuition fees paid as part of their mandatory award. In 1986–87 680 Irish students were reimbursed fees at a total cost of £390,000.

Irish students are also eligible for support under two Government awards schemes operated by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the British Council, respectively. In 1986–87 these two schemes together supported 15 students at a total cost, including maintenance, of £80,000.

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