HC Deb 30 March 1987 vol 113 c351W
Mr. Amess

asked the Paymaster General what effect in terms of job creation is expected from the £5 million more to be allocated in the field of tourism in (a) Essex and (b) Basildon.

Mr. Trippier

The recently announced additional £5 million for Government support for tourism represented the total increase in Government funds to be made available to the English tourist board and the British Tourist Authority in 1987–88 compared with the current financial year. About half this increase has been allocated to the scheme of selective financial assistance to tourism projects operated by the ETB under section 4 of the Development of Tourism Act 1969. The balance will be used mainly to enhance the marketing activities of the ETB and the BTA.

It is not possible to say what effect these increases in funding will have on job creation in Essex or in Basildon. However, tourism in the area should benefit indirectly from the effects of increased marketing activity. Of more direct potential benefit to job creation in the area is the section 4 scheme. The ETB is always ready to consider applications from tourism operators and developers for support for projects which meet the scheme's criteria.