HC Deb 13 March 1987 vol 112 c344W
Mr. Tony Banks

asked the Paymaster General how many members of staff from the Health and Safety Executive have been assigned for enforcement of the Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazard (CIMAH) Regulations 1984; from what duties within the Health and Safety Executive they were diverted; and what additional training they were given.

Mr. Trippier

During 1986–87, 4.4 per cent. of the staff resources of the factory inspectorate, out of a total number of 538 inspectors in the field (1 March 1987 figure), were allocated to the inspection of premises subject to the Control of Major Accident Hazard Regulations 1984 and the Notification of Installations Handling Hazardous Substances Regulations 1982. The work was assimilated within the overall priorities of the factory inspectorate. Since 1985, 160 inspectors have attended training conferences dealing with these regulations.

Mr. Tony Banks

asked the Paymaster General what is the current staffing level of the Health and Safety Executive; and what plans exist for expansion of the staffing complement.

Mr. Trippier

The number of permanent staff in post in the Health and Safety Executive on 1 March 1987 was 3,594. HSE's manpower ceiling from 1 April 1987, when the industrial air pollution inspectorate (80 posts) will transfer to the Department of the Environment, is 3,564.

Mr. Tony Banks

asked the Paymaster General how many members of staff from the Health and Safety Executive have been assigned for enforcement of the road tanker regulations; from what duties within the Health and Safety Executive they were diverted; and what additional training they were given.

Mr. Trippier

Enforcement of the Dangerous Substances (Conveyance by Road in Road Tankers and Tank Containers) Regulations 1981 is currently the responsibility of the Health and Safety Executive, the police authorities and the local authorities.

Health and Safety Executive inspectors are not assigned exclusively to this work, which is included in the inspection of premises from which the vehicles operate, and takes its place within the overall priorities of the factory inspectorate.

Thirty three inspectors attended a training conference in 1986 dealing with these regulations.

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