HC Deb 30 June 1987 vol 118 cc69-70W
21. Mr. Ron Davies

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what proportion of women have responded to the initial call in those districts where cervical cancer call and recall schemes have been introduced.

Mrs. Currie

Information available from three of the first family practitioner committees to set up systems indicates that between 33 per cent. and 64 per cent. of women who received invitations to attend for screening responded, although some of the respondents merely gave a reason for not attending. After those who did not respond initially had been followed up the response rate rose to between 75 per cent. and 84 per cent.

Information on the response in other areas is not yet available centrally. It will be reported by health authorities in their annual outturn reports due next month.

34. Mr. Patchett

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what is the target level of accuracy in National Health Service pathology laboratories for dealing with cervical smears.

Mrs. Currie

I shall let the hon. Member have a reply as soon as possible.

35. Mrs. Ann Taylor

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what information his Department has on delays in treating women whose cervical smears have proved positive.

Mrs. Currie

Responsibility for providing services for treatment of cervical cancer and related conditions lies with the local health authorities. The hon. Member may wish to contact the chairman of Dewsbury health authority for information concerning Dewsbury. We do not routinely collect such information centrally.

37. Mr. Bradley

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what provision he has made to monitor the standards of accuracy of cervical smear tests.

46. Mr. Dobson

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what representations he has received about the professional standards of private sector companies offering breast cancer screening.

50. Mrs. Ruddock

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many health authorities use their own pathology laboratories for dealing with cervical smears; and how many put them out to private contractors.

Mrs. Currie

I shall let the hon. Members have replies as soon as possible.

51. Miss Mowlam

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services whether South Tees health authority has sufficient computer capacity to provide a full cervical cancer call and recall scheme.

Mrs. Currie

I understand that a full cervical cancer call and recall system is operating in South Tees health authority and that the district is meeting the four-week target for reporting on smear tests.