§ Ms. Walleyasked the Secretary of State for Transport if he will detail for what purposes the transport supplementary grant can be used; if he has any plans to change the transport supplementary grant so that local councils can implement the recommendations of his Department's document "Measures to Control Traffic for the Benefit of Residents, Pedestrians and Cyclists"; and if he will outline how those recommendations are to be financed.
§ Mr. Peter BottomleyTransport supplementary grant (TSG) is paid in support of local authorities' capital expenditure on roads of more than local importance. Expenditure on schemes of the kind described in the traffic advisory unit leaflet 1/87, "Measures to control traffic for the benefit of residents, pedestrians and cyclists", would he considered for support through TSG if forming part of a road improvement or traffic management scheme on a road of more than local importance.
Copies of the leaflet were placed in the Library in March. It is a technical publication aimed at drawing attention to ways of handling traffic in residential areas and giving greater emphasis to the needs of residents. Comments on the techniques were invited with a view to the publication of further, more detailed information in due course.
Implementation is for local authorities to consider in the light of local circumstances and resources.