HC Deb 10 July 1987 vol 119 cc277-8W
Ms. Richardson

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what is the number of (a) three-year olds, (b) four-year olds and (c) rising five-year olds included in official calculations of the number of three to five-year-olds in education who attend primary school classes, in contrast to attending nursery schools specifically designed and staffed for the particular needs of three-to-five-year olds.

Mr. Dunn

The number of three-year-olds. four-year-olds and rising five-year-olds who attended maintained nursery schools, and nursery classes and infant classes in primary schools in England in January 1986 was as follows:

Nursery Schools Primary Schools
Pupils age1 Nursery Classes Infant Classes
Three 33,376 155,960 2,350
Four2 8,777 48,780 233,517
Rising five3 48 1,153 192,376
1 Full and part-time pupils. Ages at 31 August 1985.
2 Excludes rising fives. (See note 3).
3 Pupils aged four at 31 August 1985 who became five by 31 December 1985 and were, therefore of compulsory school age on the day of the census count in January 1986.