HC Deb 22 January 1987 vol 108 cc703-5W
Mr. Allan Roberts

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list those organisations responding to his Department's consultation paper on the minimum level of expenditure to be prescribed under the extended provisions of the assured tenancy scheme introduced under the Housing and Planning Act 1986; and which of these organisations (a) said they were content with his Department's proposals for the minimum prescribed expenditure, (b) sought a higher amount, (c) sought a lower amount and (d) argued that there should be no prescribed minimum.

Mr. John Patten

The following organisations replied to the consultation paper:

  • Abbey HA Ltd.
  • Association of County Councils.
  • Association of District Councils.
  • Association of Metropolitan Authorities.
  • Barratt Developments plc.
  • Bolwell and Hayward.
  • The Bradford Property Trust plc.
  • British Property Federation.
  • Brookhouse Estates Ltd.
  • Brunswick Manor Ltd.—on behalf of associated bodies.
  • Carlton (Hull) Ltd.
  • Chartered Institute of Building.
  • Eaton Square Properties Ltd.
  • The Elim Trust Corporation.
  • English Heritage.
  • Escadale Properties Ltd.
  • Fairlake Housing Association Ltd.
  • Federation of Private Residents' Associations.
  • Forebury Estates Ltd.
  • Greenwood Homes Ltd.
  • Griffon Land and Estates Ltd.
  • Grimwood Properties Ltd.
  • Hampton Housing Association Ltd.
  • House-Builders' Federation.
  • Housing Corporation.
  • IBC (Civil Engineering, Wakefield) Ltd.
  • Ideal Holdings plc—on behalf of associated bodies.
  • Institute of Housing.
  • Kenold (Canterbury)—on behalf of associated bodies.
  • Kensington Housing Association Ltd.
  • Kingdomwide Ltd.—on behalf of associated bodies.
  • Lancaster Court (Hove) Ltd.
  • Leeds Residential Property Association.
  • London Boroughs Association.
  • Longfeld Investment Company Ltd.
  • National Federation of Housing Co-operatives.
  • National Home Improvement Council.
  • Nationwide Housing Trust Ltd.
  • Norwich Union Life Insurance Society.
  • Orbit Housing Society Ltd.
  • Pattinsons Estates Ltd.—on behalf of associated bodies.
  • Prudential Pensions Ltd.—on behalf of associated bodies.
  • Regent Housing Society Ltd.
  • Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors.
  • Shelter.
  • Small Landlords' Association.
  • The Street Group of Companies—on behalf of associated bodies.
  • Topcliff Properties Ltd.
  • The United Women's Housing Association Ltd.
  • Voluntary and Christian Service Housing Association (1982) Ltd.
  • Welsh Counties Committee.
  • A. C. Williamson & Son.

Summary of opinions on the prescribed amount
Category of respondent Content with Proposals Proposals too high proposals too low Ne need for prescribed amount Total
Approved bodies
Developers 19 5 3 27
Housing associations etc. 6 1 2 9
Other organisations
Landlord organisations 1 2 3
Tenant organisations 1 1 1 3
Professional bodies 2 2 2 6
Housing corporation 1 1
Local authority associations 2 1 1 1 5
Total 31 12 6 5 54