HC Deb 21 October 1986 vol 102 c871W
Mr. Meacher

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services of the £3 million hospital building programme, what proportions are represented by (a) planning, (b) design and (c) construction; how many projects at the construction stage will be completed in each of the next 15 years, what is the value of the construction to be completed in each of these years; how many of these projects in each year are hospitals and how many are smaller projects; and how many of the planning and design projects, respectively, are expected to start in each of the next 15 years.

Mr. Newton

Infromation held centrally on the 380 schemes in the programme, which totals almost £3,000 million, shows that 54 per cent. are at the planning stage, 23 per cent. are being designed and 23 per cent. are under construction. Information on the 88 schemes currently under construction is set out in the table:

Year Due for Completion Number of Schemes Estimated—Total Cost (building and engineering works and estimated fees and equipment) (£ million) Hospitals or 1Phases of Hospitals Smaller Projects
1986 16 70 5 11
1987 50 289 23 27
1988 21 230 15 6
1990 1 23 1
1 New hospital developments are usually accomplished in phases.

Detailed information on the anticipated dates for the start of construction of schemes at the planning and design stages is not held centrally, but it is estimated that about 75 per cent. of these schemes will start on site by 1990 and the remainder by 1994.