HC Deb 18 November 1986 vol 105 c174W
Mr. Deakins

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what information he has as to what amendments have been made by the European Assembly to the Council's draft EEC budget for 1987.

Mr. Brooke

The European Parliament completed its first reading of the 1987 Draft Budget on Thursday 13 November.

Provisional figures suggest that with regard to non-compulsory expenditure the Parliament has proposed increases of some 535 mecu (£336m)1 in payments appropriations and some 1,075 mecu (E674m) 1 in commitment appropriations over the Council's Draft Budget for 1987.

Full details of all the amendments and draft modifications proposed by the Parliament will be deposited in the House in the usual way as soon as they are available.

1 Converted at the 1987 budget rate of £1 = 1.5939 ecu.