§ Mr. Chapmanasked the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) if he will list the number of current planning applications and appeals, respectively, relating to out-of-town shopping centres sited on established green belt land in England, giving the total square footage of each;
(2) if he will list the number of current planning appeals relating to out-of-town shopping centres in England, giving the total square footage of each;
(3) if he will list the number of current outstanding planning applications for out-of-town shopping centres in England giving the total square footage of each application.
§ Mr. TraceyAlthough the Department is notified of applications for retail developments which represent substantial departures from the development plan, comprehensive information about applications for retail development, including whether the development is proposed on a site in an approved green belt, is not collected centrally. We have, however, announced that we propose to issue a direction requiring local planning authorities to consult the Department before granting permission for developments involving retail floorspace of 250,000 square feet or more.
I shall write to my hon. Friend with details of the appeals and called-in applications at present before my right hon. Friend for decision, and with details of the extent to which the proposals concerned are in approved green belt land.