HC Deb 10 March 1986 vol 93 c351W
Mr. Tom Cox

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he will give the present trade balance and deficit figures of the United Kingdom with each member of the European Economic Community.

Mr. Alan Clark

Statistics of United Kingdom trade with individual countries are not available on the balance of payments (BOP) basis. Figures on the overseas trade statistics (OTS) basis are in the table.

For comparison both OTS and BOP figures for the year 1985 are given for United Kingdom trade with the European Community as a whole.

United Kingdom balance of trade with EC countries Twelve months to January 1986
Crude balance* £ million
Belgium/Luxembourg -579
Denmark -359
France +849
Federal Republic of Germany -3,743
Greece +19
Ireland +797
Italy -863
Netherlands +722
Portugal -289
Spain -185
EC(12)OTS -3,631
EC (12) 1985 OTS -3,213
(EC (12) 1985 BOP† -1,975)


* Exports, valued exclusive of insurance and freight costs, less imports valued inclusive of insurance and freight.

† Exports less imports both valued exclusive of insurance and freight costs.


United Kingdom Overseas Trade Statistics.

Department of Trade and Industry.