HC Deb 16 June 1986 vol 99 cc466-7W
61. Mr. Greenway

asked the Minister for the Arts if he will make a statement on the Government's response to the first report of the Education, Science and Arts Committee on revised financing arrangements for the national museums and galleries.

Mr. Luce

Yes. I announced on 10 February my intention to consult the Education, Science and Arts Committee, the Public Accounts Committee and the Treasury and Civil Service Committee about my proposals to implement the recommendations from the Education Committee's earlier report that the national museums and galleries should be given greater incentives both to maximise their receipts from non-Exchequer sources, and to use those receipts more effectively. My proposals were to allow the institutions greater freedom to retain their receipts and to give them the facility to carry over money from one financial year to the next, linked to a change in their financing arrangements to grant-in-aid. I have now consulted the Committees and am grateful for their helpful response. Revised Estimates will be presented to the Parliament tomorrow which will give effect to the change retrospectively from 1 April. There will be some minor reallocation between the cash limits announced in the Main Estimates, for the reasons given in my earlier statement.

The new cash limits are as follows:

Original Cash limit £ Revised Cash limit £ Change
British Museum 13,425,000 13,345,000 (80,000)
Imperial War Museum 4,444,000 4,497,000 53,000
National Gallery 6,686,000 6,771,000 85,000
National Maritime Museum 4,773,000 4,462,000 (311,000)
National Portrait Gallery 1,819,000 1,814,000 (5,000)
Science Museum 9,133,000 9,171,000 38,000
Tate Gallery 5,649,000 5,782,000 133,000
Victoria and Albert Museum 10,935,000 11,023,000 88,000
Wallace Collection 907,000 906,000 (1,000)
Total 57,771,000 57,771,000 Nil

I have noted the comments of the Education, Science and Arts Committee and the Public Accounts Committee and will keep these in mind in monitoring the operation of the new arrangements.

65. Mr. Hayes

asked the Minister for the Arts what is his response to the Education, Science and Arts Committee's report on museums and galleries' receipts.

Mr. Luce

I refer my hon. Friend to the answer I gave today to my hon. Friend the Member for Ealing, North (Mr. Greenway).