HC Deb 10 June 1986 vol 99 cc117-23W
Mr. Arnold

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list the responsibilities of each of the deputy secretaries in his Department and the number and rank of staff reporting to each.

Mr. Ridley

The responsibilities of the deputy secretaries in my Department (other than in the Property Services Agency) are as follows:

Deputy Secretary, planning

Group and grade Planning Finance and local government Environment protection Housing, construction and built heritage Solicitor and legal adviser
Open structure
2 1 1 1 1 1
3 4 4 5 4 1
4 2 1 2
5 32 20 17 22 9

Planning, inner cities, new towns, regional development, land and property questions; and responsibility for the Department's regional organisation.

Deputy Secretary, Finance and Local Government

Principal finance officer: and responsibility for policy on local government matters, including local government finance. Management responsibility for the Department's statistical services.

Deputy Secretary, Environment Protection (also Chief Environmental Scientist)

Policy questions on environmental protection as a whole; air pollution and noise control; waste disposal, radioactive wastes, including the work of the radiochemical inspectorate; water supply and water privatisation; rural affairs, countryside and wildlife conservation. As chief environmental scientist. overview of science and research policy and service as head of profession for scientific staff.

Deputy Secretary, Housing Construction and the Built Heritage

Housing public expenditure; housing subsidy for local housing authorities; housing associations; house renovation; private rented sector; building regulations; relations with the construction industry; ancient monuments and historic buildings; sport and recreation. Management responsibility for the Building Research Establishment.

Deputy Secretary, Solicitor and Legal Adviser

Legal advice to the Department.

Deputy Secretary, Chief Economic Adviser

Economic advice to the Department.

Chief. Architectural Adviser on the Built Environment

Chief architectural adviser to the Department. (The chief architectural adviser also serves as the director general of design services in the Property Services Agency).

Director General of Organisation and Establishments

The director general of organisation and establishments is the Department's principal establishments officer who, with his staff, provides a common service to both the Department of Transport and the Department of the Environment (central). Management responsibility for the planning inspectorate.

At 1 April 1986, the numbers and ranks of staff in the five operational deputy secretary commands were as shown in the table which follows. The regional directors and the director general of organisation and establishments and his staff are excluded as common servants of both DOE (central) and the Department of Transport. A further 176½ Departmental staff were not attached to the commands shown.

Group and grade Planning Finance and local government Environment protection Housing, construction and built heritage Solicitor and legal adviser
6 19 2 14 29
7 140 67 85 119
Total 197 95 123 177 11
Administration group
SEO 63 22 6 16
HEO(D) 1 3 1
HEO 176 67 63 69 1
AT 4 2 4
EO 230 108 52.5 126 4
CO 228 157 41 198 2
CA 40 37 17 25 2
Total 738 398 182.5 438 9
Senior Economic Assistant 2 1
Total 2 1
Senior Assistant Statistician 3
Assistant Statistician 1
Total 4
Senior Information Officer 2
Information Officer 5
Assistant Information Officer 1
Total 8
Senior Librarian
Assistant Librarian
Data processing
Senior Data Processor 2 4
Data Processor 6 3
Total 8 7
Senior PTO 12 8 25
Higher PTO 13
PTO 1 22
Total 12 1 8 60
Principal RO 15 1 6
Senior RO 34 1 7
RO 3 2
Total 52 1 1 15
Chief Superintendent
Senior Superintendent 5 1 1
Superintendent 3 1 4
SPS 14 6 3 1 2
PS 56 23 18 39 6
PS (Trainee) 1 2
Specialist typist 11 6 1 16
Typist 15 1 4 12
Trainee typist
Total 104 39 26 75 8

Group and grade Planning Finance and local government Environment protection Housing, construction and built heritage Solicitor and legal adviser
Senior Scientific Officer 7 95
Higher Scientific Officer 4 112
Scientific Officer 66
Assistant Scientific Officer 29
Total 11 302
Senior Legal Assistant 25
Legal Assistant 3
Total 28
Housing planning
Principal H and P Inspector
Senior H and P Inspector/Planners 24
Housing and Planning Inspector
Total 24
Chief Draughtsman 2
Senior grade Draughtsman 14
Higher grade Draughtsman 23 1
Draughtsman 20
Total 59 1
Cleaner 4
Total 4
Senior Messenger 4 1 3
Messenger 14 2 10
Porter Messenger 3
Total 18 6 13
Office Keepers
Grade 1A
Chief Paperkeeper
Senior Paperkeeper
Paperkeeper 7 2 2
Total 7 2 2
Chief Photographer 1
Principal Photographer 4
Senior Photographer 4
Total 9
Services Manager
Chief Photoprinter
Assistant Photoprinter 1
Leading Operator 1
Photoprinter Grade I 5 3
Photoprinter Grade II 2 4
Total 8 8
Publications sales staff
Head Salesman 5

Group and grade Planning Finance and local government Environment protection Housing, construction and built heritage Solicitor and legal adviser
Salesman 19
Total 24
Telephonists, Teleprinter Operators
Government Telephonist 2 7
Specialist Teleprinter Operator
Total 2 7
Total Departmental Grades 1,221 557 359.5 1,142 48
Total non-industrials 1,221 561 365 1,486 55.5
Industrials 600.5
Total 1,221 561 365 2,086.5 55.5