HC Deb 25 July 1986 vol 102 c577W
Mr. Sayeed

asked the Paymaster General how many people are currently participating in each of the Government-funded training and enterprise programmes in Bristol, East; and what were the comparable figures in 1979 and 1983.

Mr. Trippier

I regret that the information is not available in the precise form requested. However, the table below shows the number of people engaged on training and enterprise programmes at the end of June 1986, together with comparable figures for June 1983 where these are available. Comparative information is not available for June 1979.

Number in Training Programme
Programme June 1986 June 1983
Youth Training
YTS* 5,980 240
Adult Training
Training opportunities scheme n/a 60
Wider opportunities training programme/job training programme 1,403 n/a
(of which training for enterprise) (88) (n/a)
Enterprise allowance scheme† 1,184 n/a
Total 8,567 300
* TOPS ceased in 1984–85, and was replaced by wider opportunities training programme and job training programme of which training for enterprise is part.
† The enterprise allowance scheme figures is as at 1 July 1986.

n/a not available.