HC Deb 28 January 1986 vol 90 cc476-80W
Mr. Freeman

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, in respect of grants given by the voluntary services unit, if he will give the value of grants approved or made for 1985-86, with details of the name, type and purpose of the organisation in receipt of each grant, and the value of each grant.

Mr. Waddington

In the following tables the types of organisation or project in respect of which grants have been made or approved so far in 1985–86 are grouped according to the nature of the organisation or, where more appropriate, the nature of the project which the grant is intended to support. Where the grant is for a specific project, the purpose of the project is shown if that is not evident from the name of the organisation carrying out the project or to which the grant is paid.

Group 1
National organisations which provide services or resources to other voluntary organisations or exist to encourage and develop voluntary activity
Name and purpose Amount of grant £
Action Resource Centre—arranges secondment of business personnel into voluntary projects and organisations 33,000
Name and purpose Amount of grant £
Association of Researchers in Voluntary Action and Community Involvement—provides forum for researchers and practitioners into voluntary involvement 10,700
British Association of Settlements and Social Action Centres—supports settlements and social action centres 26,500
COPE—national organisation for groups providing support for socially isolated and disadvantaged families 4,900
Councils for Voluntary Service—National Association—for research into recent work on ethnic minorities 1,000
Festival Welfare Services—co-ordinates voluntary welfare organisations at open-air festivals 21,800
National Association of Young People's Counselling and Advisory Services—promotes young people's counselling and advisory services 27,000
National Council for Voluntary Organisations—the leading national resource centre for voluntary organisations 865,000
National Federation of City Farms—provides general support to the city farm movement 27,400
National Federation of Community Organisations—supports local community associations 133,000
National Federation of Self Help Organisations—provides support for self help organisations within the Afro-Caribbean Community 25,750
National Youth Bureau (Young Volunteer Resource Unit)—provides support to young volunteer agencies and those working with young volunteers 122,000
Standing Conference of Women's Organisations—supports local groups of women's organisations 2,000
Volonteurope—exchange information on voluntary activities in Europe 5,000
Volunteer Centre—main national resource centre for volunteering 679,000
Sup Total 1,984,050
Group 2
National Organisations which also recruit and deploy volunteers
Name and purpose Amount of grant £
Women's Royal Voluntary Service—undertakes a wide range of welfare work and provides assistance in emergencies 4,600,000
Community Service Volunteers—involves people in community service and encourages voluntary and community action 539,000
Community Transport—removal and supply of furniture for the socially deprived, and minibus services for voluntary groups 40,000
Horticultural Therapy—Land Use Volunteers—places volunteers skilled in agriculture and horticulture in projects benefiting the disabled and disadvantaged 11,000
International Voluntary Service—undertakes community projects through short-term workcamps involving international volunteers 19,000
Pensioners' Link Association—voluntary work in support of the elderly 96,200
RELEASE (Princedale Trust)—uses volunteers for drug counselling 15,000
Retired Executives Action Clearing House (REACH)—links retired people with voluntary groups 20,700
Time for God—places young Christian volunteers in community service projects 12,000
Group 3
National Organisations concerned with the support and development of Community work
Name and purpose Amount of grant £
Birmingham Settlement—Unemployment Resource Worker—provides practical advice and support to self-help groups of unemployed people 22,975
British Council of Churches (Community Work Resource Unit)—promotes community work and release of resources by churches 20,000
Church Army—Inner Cities Unit—provides direct practical support to local church based community workers 17,625
CETU (Community Education Training Unit)—works to establish credibility of community development in areas (at present in Yorkshire) where support structures and relationships between local authorities and voluntary bodies are poor 34,000
Community Council for Wiltshire—provides consultancy service to voluntary bodies about information systems 10,000
Community Projects Foundation—a non-departmental public body which demonstrates new approaches to community work in projects which it undertakes in cooperation with local authorities 886,000
Community Roots Trust—training and other support for self employment particularly for those from ethnic minorities 6,250
Federation of Community Work Training Groups—supports regional training groups 29,000
Student Community Action Development Unit (SCADU)—coordinates and supports more than 100 university and polytechnic student groups which are engaged in local community work 35,000
Sub Total 1,060,850
Group 4
Innovative local voluntary projects with the potential to produce lessons of wider significance
Name and purpose Amount of grant £
Barton, Oxford, Community Computer Project—to develop use of micro-computer for local community work, provision of advice, information etc 15,000
Coventry Voluntary Services Council—Coventry media project (to produce community material for cable television) 59,875
Hammersmith & Fulham Council for Voluntary Service (Race Relations Project)—to make local voluntary organisations more aware of needs of ethnic minority groups and encourage participation of these groups in voluntary activities 22,000
Kent Volunteer Bureaux—to develop model systems of record keeping and self-monitoring by volunteer bureaux 22,800
Leeds Council for Voluntary Service (Leeds Community Fund)—continued from United Funds W Yorks Development Project on payroll giving for charitable purposes 5,500
Leicestershire Council for Voluntary Service (Race Awareness Consortium)—an approach to the need for better race awareness by those managing voluntary work by a consortium of voluntary organisations 24,400
Manchester Council for Voluntary Service—ethnic minorities liaison project 29,900
Name and purpose Amount of grant £
Midlands Group of Volunteer Organisers (Project VBX)—to advise and provide practical support to Volunteer Bureaux in particular in connection with the use of unemployed volunteers 23,880
National Council for Voluntary Organisations Management Development Unit—project on voluntary organisations' services to ethnic minorities 10,750
Newcastle Council for Voluntary Service Charities Information Project—project to coordinate information on charities 2,625
Sefton Community Resource Action Project—to train community workers in a non-institutional setting Stonebridge (Harlesden) Bus Garage Project—part of a multi-purpose local community project 20,000
Turning Point, Lewisham—an evaluation of a scheme providing field-based training in community work for a multi-ethnic society 8,000
United Funds (West Yorkshire Development Project)—a pilot project for a national convenanted payroll deduction scheme for supporting voluntary and charitable organisations 5,000
Warrington Workshop for Voluntary Action—promotion of a form of local voluntary action which uses a study of local history and residents' recollections 10,700
Sup total 267,430
Group 5
Miscellaneous special grants to voluntary organisations
Name and purpose Amount of grant £
Gamblers Anonymous General Services Board—to support and supplement the work of local GA groups 1,000
Institute of Charity Fundraising Managers' Trust—development of professional standards for fundraisers 18,750
Local Development Agency Fund Support Unit (NCVO)—provides administrative support for the fund 17,000
Merseyside Council for Voluntary Service—a regional CVS 15,000
National Council for the Welfare of Prisoners Abroad—advice and welfare for British prisoners in foreign prisons 18,000
Northern Association for Community Care—provides residential short term breaks for groups of handicapped and disadvantaged people 33,000
"Operation Drake" (Drake Fellowship)—provides opportunities for unemployed young people to develop themselves through active training and participation in wide variety of unusual community projects 15,000
West End Coordinated Voluntary Services—coordinated system of support for homeless people in London 115,500
Sub Total 233,250
Group 6
Small grants to projects under a special scheme for the development of local voluntary action
Name and purpose Amount of grant £
Hull—Community Resources Development Project 5,154
Salford—Community Involvement Project 998
Southampton—training for voluntary organisations 6,000
Name and purpose Amount of grant £
Tyne and Wear—Community involvement for temporarily employed 310
Wiltshire—Information Resource Exchange 9,524
Sub total 21,986
Group 7
Charity Reviews
Name and purpose Amount of grant £
Lancashire County Council—charity review 17,100
Norfolk County Council—charity review 16,400
Sub total 38,500
Group 8
Grants in respect of Refugees
Name and purpose Amount of grant £
British Refugee Council—National Organisation providing support for refugees in the United Kingdom (includes grant for co-ordination of Vietnamese programme) 396,450
Refugee Action—Works with refugees in the United Kingdom (grants made for work within the Vietnamese) 178,618
The Ockenden Venture—Works with refugees, displaced children, and students. (Grants made for work with the Vietnamese) 160,795
Sub total 735,863
GRAND TOTAL 9,694,829

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