HC Deb 17 February 1986 vol 92 cc18-9W
Mr. Caborn

asked the Paymaster General whether the principal inspector of factories who visited the Brightside lane warehouse fire on the morning of 15 December gave any advice to the fire brigade on the wearing of breathing apparatus.

Mr. Trippier

No. It is not customary for Health and Safety Executive inspectors to intervene during fire fighting operations.

Mr. Caborn

asked the Paymaster General what were the dates between which the Employment Medical Advisory Service medical examination of the firemen at the Brightside lane warehouse fire took place.

Mr. Trippier

Between 20 February and 2 April 1985.

Mr. Caborn

asked the Paymaster General what were the dates on which the Health and Safety Executive inspectors took statements from firemen at the Brightside lane warehouse fire.

Mr. Trippier

Inspectors took statements from firemen between 26 April 1985 and 2 July 1985.

Mr. Caborn

asked the Paymaster General what was the date on which the fire service debriefing report referred to in paragraph 97 of the Health and Safety Executive report on the Brightside lane warehouse fire was completed.

Mr. Trippier

This is a matter for the South Yorkshire fire service.

Mr. Caborn

asked the Paymaster General for how many months the faulty cable referred to in paragraphs 100 and 101 of the Health and Safety Executive report on the Brightside lane warehouse fire had been in use.

Mr. Trippier

Evidence suggests that it had been in use since about October 1983.

Mr. Caborn

asked the Paymaster General whether the Health and Safety Executive has initiated a prosecution against Pickfords in relation to the matters described in paragraphs 100, 101, 102, 103 and 204 of the report on the Brightside lane warehouse fire.

Mr. Trippier

There are to be no prosecutions in relation to the fire.

Mr. Caborn

asked the Paymaster General why the Health and Safety Executive report on the Brightside lane warehouse fire makes no distinction between permanent and retained firefighters.

Mr. Trippier

The Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act requires the same standards to be applied to both permanent and retained firefighters.

Mr. Caborn

asked the Paymaster General whether a log exists detailing the day-by-day progress of the Health and Safety Executive inspectors' investigations of the Brightside lane warehouse fire.

Mr. Trippier


Mr. Caborn

asked the Paymaster General on what dates during 1980 Health and Safety Executive inspectors visited the site of the Brightside lane warehouse fire.

Mr. Trippier

The site was visited on 7 May 1980.

Mr. Caborn

asked the Paymaster General, following the 1980 visit to the site of the Brightside lane warehouse fire, how many years the Health and Safety Executive decided should elapse before a further planned visit was made to the site.

Mr. Trippier

No period was set.

Mr. Caborn

asked the Paymaster General why the Health and Safety Executive inspector who visited unit 6 at the Brightside lane warehouse fire in August and November 1983 did not on either occasion visit unit 1 at the site.

Mr. Trippier

The visits to unit 6 were made following the notification of occupation by British Services Ltd. The visits were not directed at the site as a whole.