HC Deb 07 February 1986 vol 91 cc278-9W
Mr. Corrie

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what progress is being made in reviewing the work of non-departmental public bodies for which he is responsible; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Rifkind

As part of a programme of reviews of the work of all non-departmental public bodies, announced by my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister on 19 November 1984, at columns 57–58, the following 17 policy reviews and one financial management survey have already been completed:

Policy Reviews

  • Scottish Valuation Advisory Council
  • Scottish Agricultural Research Institutes
  • Scottish Seed Potato Development Council
  • Scottish Agricultural Development Council
  • Milk Appeals Tribunal
  • Scottish Industrial Development Advisory Board
  • Scottish Economic Council
  • Central Institutions
  • Colleges of Education
  • Children's Panels
  • Children's Panel Advisory Committees
  • Registration of Social Work Establishments Appeal Tribunal Panel
  • Scottish Police College
  • Scottish Central Fire Brigade Advisory Council
  • Scottish Records Advisory Council
  • Lay Observer for Scotland
  • Horse Race Betting Levy Appeal Tribunal for Scotland

Financial Management Survey

Commission for Local Authority Accounts in Scotland The following 17 policy reviews and 9 financial management surveys (including 3 combined reviews and surveys) are now in hand:

Policy Reviews

  • Commission for Local Authority Accounts in Scotland
  • Scottish Agricultural Wages Board
  • Scottish Standing Committee on the Calculation of Residual Value of Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs
  • Red Deer Commission
  • Hill Farming Advisory Committee for Scotland
  • Highlands and Islands Development Consultative Council
  • Scottish Special Housing Association
  • Consultative Committee on the Curriculum
  • Scottish Examination Board
  • Working Party on Management Training for Leisure and Recreation
  • Newbattle Abbey College
  • Scottish Community Education Council
  • Scottish National Camps Association
  • General Teaching Council for Scotland
  • National Committee for In-Service Training of Teachers
  • Scottish National War Memorial
  • Scottish Development Agency

Financial Management Surveys

  • Colleges of Agriculture
  • Scottish Development Agency
  • Scottish Tourist Board
  • New Town Development Corporations
  • Scottish Examination Board
  • Scottish Vocational Educational Council
  • Scottish Council for Research in Education
  • 279
  • Newbattle Abbey College
  • National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting in Scotland

Next financial year; 32 policy reviews and 10 financial management surveys will be carried out:

Policy Reviews

  • Central Advisory Committee of JPs
  • JP Advisory Committees
  • Scottish Agricultural Consultative Panel
  • Scottish Agricultural Statistics—Consultative Committee
  • Committee of Investigation for Scotland
  • Consumers Committee for Scotland
  • Consultative Committee on Freshwater Fisheries
  • Dumping at Sea Act Representations Panel
  • Secretary of State's Advisory Panel of Economic Consultants
  • Highlands & Islands Development Board
  • Ancient Monuments Board for Scotland
  • Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland
  • Building Standards Advisory Committee
  • Historic Buildings Council for Scotland
  • Countryside Commission for Scotland
  • Orkney Islands Shipping Co Ltd
  • Scottish Council for Educational Technology
  • Scottish Tertiary Education Advisory Council
  • Scottish Studentship Selection Committee
  • National Galleries of Scotland
  • Advisory Committee on Statistical Information
  • Police (Scotland) Examination Board
  • Fire Services Examination Board
  • Boundary Commission for Scotland.
  • Extra Parliamentary Panel
  • National Panel of Specialists
  • Scottish Council for Post Graduate Medical Education
  • National Board for Nursing Midwifery and Health Visiting
  • Scottish Advisory Committee on Top Grade Scientific Posts
  • Scottish Hospital Endowments Research Trust
  • Scottish Health Service Planning Council
  • Scottish Health Education Co-ordinating Committee

Financial Management Surveys

  • Agricultural Research Institutes
  • Electricity Consultative Councils
  • Highlands and Islands Development Board
  • Scottish Special Housing Association
  • Edinburgh New Town Conservation Committee
  • Countryside Commission for Scotland
  • Orkney Islands Shipping Company

Ranges of earnings in 1985–86 where income tax* and NIC form a smaller proportion of gross earnings in 1985–86 than in 1978–79
(£ per week and percentage average earnings)
Up to £ Percentage Above £ Percentage
Single 55.00 28 475 240
Married couple both working‡ no children 138.65 [...]42 810 [...]245
Married couple husband only working two children under 11 89.00 45 512 260

*Less child benefit, where appropriate.

Assuming post-October 1985 rates of NIC for contracted-in employees.

On the assumption that husband and wife each have the same mulitiple of the appropriate all occupations figure for average earnings (full time males and females respectively).

| |Percentage of joint income.