HC Deb 17 December 1986 vol 107 c540W
Mr. Butterfill

asked the Paymaster General what steps he is taking through his inner cities initiative to combat crime and the alienation of young people in inner city areas.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke

The aim of our inner cities initiative is to tackle the general problems of employment and disadvantage faced by inner city residents and young people in particular. We are undertaking a wide variety of relevant projects and I have now decided to provide the necessary finance to support two new schemes to combat crime and the alienation of some young people.

First, I have agreed to support the National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders in establishing an inner cities crime prevention development unit. The five full-time staff of this unit will work alongside the Government's task force leaders in the eight areas where they are based in devising and implementing a programme designed to reduce crime and the fear of crime.

I have also agreed to support a consortium comprising the Apex Trust, the National Youth Bureau and the Intermediate Treatment Fund. The consortium will combine the central and local expertise of the participant organisations and will provide task forces with help and advice on tackling the problems, including the employment problems of alienated young people in the eight areas. In addition, the Apex Trust and the National Youth Bureau will each provide a member of staff to work alongside the Government's task force leaders in Handsworth and North Peckham.

Both NACRO and the consortium will be making the necessary appointments and secondments very shortly. The budget of our inner cities task force initiative is being used to provide funds of £214,194 to NACRO and of £99,450 to the consortium.