HC Deb 22 May 1985 vol 79 cc447-8W


  1. Pupils
    1. 1. teach assigned timetabled classes
    2. 2. take an appropriate share of collective staff responsibility to cover the classes of absent colleagues
    3. 3. plan, prepare, evaluate and review personal teaching methods and programmes in accordance with education authority and school policies
    4. 4. take an appropriate share of collective staff responsibility to supervise pupils on arrival at and departure from school and during the school day [including the midday break?]
    5. 5. mark, record and report on pupils' work (including homework) and progress in accordance with education authority and school policies
    6. 6. provide guidance and counsel on educational, social and career matters in accordance with education authority and school pastoral and counselling policies
  2. Parents
    1. 7. consult and liaise with parents, attending meetings arranged for the purpose
  3. Curriculum & Examinations
    1. 8. take part in arrangements for presenting pupils in public examinations
    2. 9. contribute to the preparation and development of courses of study and teaching materials in response to change in public examinations and assessment procedures and in accordance with education authority and school curricular policies
  4. Staff Matters
    1. 10. take part in performance appraisal in accordance with education authority arrangements
    2. 11. take part in courses of in-service training and other schemes of professional development
    3. 12. take an appropriate share of collective staff responsibility for the professional development of colleagues, including new entrants to teaching
    4. 13. attend staff meetings
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  6. General
    1. 14. carry out such other related duties and responsibilities at the school as may be reasonably allocated, as need arises, by the head.