HC Deb 21 May 1985 vol 79 cc404-5W
Mr. Ashdown

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he will list in the Official Report all the different types of licences operated or granted by his Department and the year in which they first came into operation.

Mr. Butcher

The information is as follows:

Type of Licence In operation since
1. The issue of authorisation to companies to carry on insurance business in the United Kingdom 1967
2. Export Licences *1939
3. Import Licences *1939
4. Consumer Credit Licence 1976
5. Licences granted under Section 7 of the Telecommunications Act 1984 *1984
6. Principals and representatives licence, under the Prevention of Fraud (Investments) Act 1939 (Consolidated 1958). 1944
7. A general licence under section 68 of the British Telecommunications Act 1981 to permit charities to deliver Christmas cards between 25 November each year until 1 January of the following year. 1981
8. A general licence under section 68 of the British Telecommunications Act 1981 to permit document exchanges to transfer mail between them 1982
9. Licence to operate a public cinema exhibiting 35mm films (as required by Part III of the Films Act 1960, as amended). *1928
10. Licence to operate as a renter (or distributor) of 35mm films for public exhibition in cinemas (as required by Part III of the Films Act 1960, as amended). †1928
11 Registration requirement that all 35mm films intended for public exhibition in cinemas must be registered (as required by Part II of the Films Act 1960, as amended). [This requirement is not strictly speaking a "licensing" requirement, but the registration certificate of a film permits its public exhibition and therefore it has the same effect as a licence]. *1928
12. Compulsory Licences under patents granted in accordance with the Patents Act 1949 1950
13. Voluntary Licences available as of right under patents granted in accordance with the Patents Act 1949 1950
14. Compulsory licences under patents granted in accordance with Patents Act 1977 1978
15. Voluntary Licences available as of right under patents granted in accordance with the Patents Act 1977 1978

Type of Licence In operation since
16. Compulsory Licences under designs registered in accordance with the Registered Designs Act 1949 1950
17. Licences under the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1949 to authorise the non-broadcast use of radio *1949
18. Pattern approval of Weighing and Measuring Equipment 1963
19. Flow Injection Analyser 1984
20. National Physical Laboratory grants licences for the exploitation of measuring instruments developed by NPL 1900
21. Flow measures 1979
22. Axial flow fans 1972
23. Flowmeters 1975
24. APT4000 computer program 1979
25. Axial and radial ball motors 1976
26. Fluid powered motor 1982
27. Vaporizing carburettors 1975
28. Computer-aided planning and estimating program 1981
29. Floatpad system 1983
30. Regenerative turbomachine 1985
31. Oil Dispersion Equipment 1972
32. In-stream Slurry Analyser 1973
33. Powder Flow—Property Testing Equipment 1973
34. Detector for Small Limb and Digit Movements 1974
35. Ships Motion Monitor 1975
36. Craft—Attitude—Monitoring—Package Systems 1975
37. Piezo Electric Head Amplifier 1977
38. Gun Rheometer 1978
39. ATR Infra-red Analyser 1979
40. Systems for the Recorvery of Usable Constituents of Domestic Refuse 1978
41. Portable Dynamic Dilution Apparatus (Odour meters) 1979
42. Oxford/WSL Control BASIC 1982
43. Large Scale Flow Calorimeter 1983
44. Beach Material Washer 1984
45. RDF Pneumatic Drier—Zig Zag 1984
46. Physical property data for fluids and gases for the Process and Chemical industry 1982
47. Licences granted under Section 15 of the British Telecommunications Act 1981 *1981
* The current enabling legislation dates from these years.
† Requirements due to expire on passing of the Films Bill.