HC Deb 20 March 1985 vol 75 cc505-8W
Mr. Austin Mitchell

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether he will provide for each of the common agricultural policy products for which there is a guarantee threshold, a table showing the level of the threshold, the price and other adjustments

CAP price fixing 1985–86: Guarantee thresholds and similiar measures
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Product (Marketing year) 1984–85 threshold or quantity To be compared against figures for production as in 4582/85 Method of application Was threshold or commission exceeded Quantity commission conclusion Commission proposals for prices 1985–86 Commission proposal for threshold or quantity 1985–86
(million tonnes) (million tonnes) (million tonnes)
All cereals except durum wheat (1.8.85–31.7.86) 121.32 Average harvest 1982–4 Imports of substitutes in 1982–83 Total threshold 130.157 Abatement of common prices if threshold exceeded. If imports of cereals substitutes exceed 15 million tonnes add that excess to threshold. Then abate price proposed by 1 per cent, for each 1 million tonnes by which average production exceeds total threshold, up to maximum 5 per cent. Yes, by 8.8 + 1.5 per cent, abated to -3.6 per cent. 126.000 All cereals

which have to be made at each level of over-production, and the quantities actually produced in the European Economic Community and in the United Kingdom in 1967–68 to 1969–70 and each year since 1979.

Mr. MacGregor

The information requested on the application of guarantee thresholds and similar measures is set out in the table.

Estimates of production for most of these commodities are available on the EROSTAT computer database (CRONOS), access to which may be gained through the Library of the House. In the case of cotton, for which a common regime was introduced in 1981, statistics of Community production are available in the Commission's 1984 report on "The Agricultural Situation in the Community", a copy of which is available in the Library of the House. For isoglucose figures relating to the period from 1979–80 are as follows:

Estimated production of isoglucose
'000 tonnes dry matter
European Community United Kingdom
1979–80 *164.2 27.6
1980–81 *179.8 27.5
1981–82 181.72 7.6
1982–83 182.3 27.5
1983–84 178.5 27.5
* EC 9.

Sources: EC figures: European Commission.

United Kingdom figures: IBAP

Figures for the production of isoglucose in 1967–68 to 1969–70 are not available.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Product (Marketing year) 1984–85 threshold or quantity To be compared against figures for production as in 4582/85 Method of application Was threshold or commission exceeded Quantity commission conclusion Commission proposals for prices 1985–86 Commission proposal for threshold or quantity 1985–86
(million tonnes) (million tonnes) (million tonnes)
Duram wheat (1.7.85–30.6.86) 4.6 Average harvest 1982–84 4.65 Abatement of common prices by 1 per cent, for each 50,000 tonnes by which average production exceeds threshold. Commission say No 0 per cent. As above
Oilseed rape (1.7.85–30.6.86) 2.41 Average harvest 1982–84 2.89 Abatement of common prices by 1 per cent, for each 50,000 tonnes by which average production exceeds threshold; max. 5 per cent. Yes, by 0.49 +1.5 per cent, abated to -3.6 per cent. 2.6
Sunflower seeds (1.8.85–31.7.86) 1.0 Average harvest 1982–84 0.964 Abatement of common prices by 1 per cent, for each 50,000 tonnes by which average production exceeds threshold; max. 5 per cent. No -1.5 per cent. 1.115
Milk (2.4.85–31.3.86) 99.024 (plus reserve of 0.335) Deliveries 1984–85 (Commission forecast) million tonnes. to expected be 99.7 Quota/Supplementary Levy Scheme with Quarterly assessment +1.5 per cent. 98.152
Currants (1.9.85–31.8.86) 0.065 Average harvest 1982–84 0.0693 Abatement of minimum price paid to the grower if threshold exceeded. No defined relationship between excess and abatement. Yes, by 0.004 No Price Proposal Minimum price is within Commission competence. 0.065
Sultanas (1.9.85–31.8.86) 0.093 Average harvest 1982–84 0.0852 Abatement of minimum price paid to the grower if threshold exceeded. No defined relationship between excess and abatement. No No Price Proposal Minimum price is within Commission competence. 0.093
Tomato products 4.7 Average production 1982–83 to 1984–85 5.811 Abatement of processing aid if total threshold exceeded. Yes, by 24 per cent. Level of aid within Commission competence but Commission propose in price proposals aid should be available only for quantities within guarantee threshold on basis of national quotas. 4.7
concentrate 2.988 3.760 Abatement related to degree to which individual products exceed thresholds. by 26 per cent. 2.988
peeled 1.307 1.576 by 21 per cent. 1.307
other (1.7.85–30.6.86) 0.405 0.463 by 14 per cent. 0.405
Cotton (1.9.85–31.8.86) 0.5 Production in 1984–85 (forecast) 0.46 Reduction of production aid payable if threshold exceeded—by same percentage as production exceeds threshold. No +2 per cent. 0.5
White A 9.5 1984–85 forecast production 9.3 Excess (C) quota either sold outside Community at world price or set against next year's A quota. beet 0 9.5
White B 2.2 1.9 white +1.3 2.2
Isoglucose A 0.16 0.15 intervention 0.16
Isoglucose B (1.7.85–30.6.86) 0.04 0.04 0.04

Mr. Austin Mitchell

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether he will publish in the Official Report a table showing for each of the principal products, including milk, gross expenditure under the guarantee section of the common agricultural policy on each unit of output in the European Economic Community as an average in each of the past three years, and the estimate used in the European Economic Community budget in the current year, together with the amount, if any, collected in penalty payments for overproduction.

Mr. MacGregor

The information on expenditure under the guarantee section of the EAGGF for the years 1981 to 1983 together with provisional data for 1984 and the draft budget for 1985 is given in table 43 of the report on the "Agricultural Situation in the Community 1984", a copy of which is in the Library of the House. The amounts of milk levies so far collected, and future forecasts are recorded in the report as "cost milk producers". The supplementary levy in the milk sector has not yet been collected.

The most recent information of production for the years 1981 to 1983 is available from the Eurostat computer data (Cronos), which source is available through the Library of the House. The latest estimates of production for 1984 were given in my reply of 4 March 1985 to the hon. Member.

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