HC Deb 14 June 1985 vol 80 cc573-4W
Mr. Ashley

asked the Secretary of State for Employment, in the light of the recommendation by the

Applicant Purpose of Ballot(s) (see key below) Amount of Payment (£) Date Payment Authorised
Royal College of Nursing of the United Kingdom (1) D Nil
(2) C 25,692.60 28–1–83
(3) F 42,178.78 10–6–83
(4) B 36,964.59 12–6–84
(5) B Application under consideration
Guiness Brewing Staff Association (UK) (1) D Nil
British Medical Association (1) B (2 ballots) Nil
(2) B (2 ballots) Nil
Professional Association of Teachers (1) C 4,068.71 4–6–81
(2) C 4,456.78 10–6–82
(3) C 4,600.83 5–7–83
(4) C (3 ballots) 4,828.81 8–6–84
(5) C Application under consideration
Assistant Masters and Mistresses Association (1) C 451.14 21–7–81
(2) C 677.57 20–7–82
(3) C 416.15 3–6–83
(4) C (2 ballots) 432.56 23–10–84
British Association of Occupational Therapists Ltd (1) B Nil
(2) A 1,404.63 16–10–81
(3) B 2,260.10 8–9–82
(4) B 328.67 2–11–83
(5) B 2,016.58 8–8–84
The Society of Chiropodists (1) B Nil
(2) B 1,189.40 27–9–82
(3) B 1,283.52 1–8–83
(4) B 1,300.93 16–8–84
Association of Optical Practitioners Ltd (1) B (2 ballots) 1,508.33 28–8–81
(2) B (2 ballots) 1,577.05 1–12–82
(3) B (2 ballots) 1,385.23 13–11–84
National Association of Head Teachers (1) B (2 ballots) Nil
(2) B 157.55 2–12–82
(3) B 164.62 2–12–82
(4) B 230.62 13–10–83
(5) C 4,200.76 13–10–83
(6) B 242.09 24–1–84

Manpower Services Commission report on the quota scheme that further research should be carried out, what initiative the Government will take; and if he will make a statement on the other recommendations of the report.

Mr. Alan Clark

I shall reply to the right hon. Member as soon as possible.