HC Deb 26 July 1985 vol 83 cc846-7W
Mr. Austin Mitchell

asked the Secretary of State for Transport whether he will publish in the Official Report a table showing the changes in output and employment in each of the transport industries for 1963 to 1973, 1973 to May 1979, and May 1979 to the latest available date.

Mr. Ridley

Following is the available information for the United Kingdom.

Table 1(a) provides the percentage change in the index of output between each of the calendar years specified. Table 1(b) gives the percentage change in the number of employees in employment between June in each of these years. Both sets of figures are analysed according to the 1980 Standard Industrial Classification. Figures for May are not available for either series.

Table 1a: Index numbers of output at constant factor cost United Kingdom
percentage change between calendar years
1963–73† 1973–79 1979–84‡
per cent. per cent. per cent.
1980 SIC class
71 Railways * -5 -20
72 Other inland transport +33 +1 +3
74 Sea transport +55 -30 -36
75 Air transport +223 †+56 +2
76 Supporting services to transport n/a +12 +9

Source: Central Statistical Office.

Table 1b: Employees in employment United Kingdom
percentage change between June each year
1963–73† 1973–79 1979–84
percentage percentage percentage
1980 SIC class
71 Railways -41 -8 -16
72 Other inland transport -7 -6 -15
74 Sea transport -29 -14 -44
75 Air transport +77 +17 -18
75 Supporting services to transport -42 -1 -20

Source: Department of Employment.

* Less than 0.5 per cent.

†Changes in table have been calculated using the "best-fit" of Minimum List of Headings (MLH) of the 1968 SIC.



1. Under SIC, own account road haulage is classified to the industry carrying out the work, which in most cases would not be one of the SIC classes above.

2. Employment figures exclude self employed.

3. Strikes affect comparisons in some cases. For example, there was a lorry drivers' strike in 1979 and the miners' strike in 1984 affected freight transport.