§ Mr. Proctorasked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will list the number of visitors to the United Kingdom in each of the last five years, who have been recorded on the current computer system as those whose embarkation is likely to need checking; if he will provide a breakdown by nationality of those visitors listed above; if he will list the criteria employed in determining the recording of those listed above; and if he will make a statement.
§ Mr. Waddington[pursuant to his reply, 11 July 1985, c. 505]: The available information is set out in the table.
Paragraph 20 of the Immigration Rules provides for visitors to be admitted for a period less than the normal six months where this is justified by special reasons—for example, where the passenger might not be admitted to another country after a long period in the United Kingdom or where the case ought to be subject to early review. Such cases which will include those where the immigration officer is not entirely satisfied that the visitor will comply with the conditions of his admission are normally recorded on the Department's computer system.
Ordinary visitors Business visitors 1981 1982 1983 1984 1981 1982 1983 1984 Uganda 1,120 1,140 1,110 900 180 140 180 160 West Indies Associated States 300 270 300 — * * * — Zambia 850 760 580 710 60 40 30 30 Zimbabwe 740 710 800 830 20 30 40 40 British Overseas citizens 1,910 1,860 1,720 1,560 80 50 40 40 Other Commonwealth countries 770 620 630 1,150 60 60 30 50 Commonwealth Total 82,100 75,700 81,800 84,500 10,500 8,440 9,160 9,030 Non-EC Foreign nationals Algeria 4,280 4,410 4,510 4,560 200 170 190 170 Argentina 1,140 680 1,740 2,360 30 220 480 400 Austria 400 300 320 290 80 80 90 80 Brazil 1,130 1,080 1,090 1,090 40 30 40 50 Bulgaria 1,450 1,300 1,500 1,150 800 860 920 990 Chile 650 580 470 500 40 30 50 110 China 1,600 1,300 1,470 2,110 1,360 1,680 2,420 3,630 Colombia 1,080 1,040 1,220 1,180 20 20 40 40 Cuba 170 110 100 180 220 260 320 350 Czechoslovakia 4,300 3,760 4,480 5,040 6,840 6,110 6,110 6,860 Egypt 3,430 2,400 2,240 2,170 710 450 360 350 Ethiopia 390 350 400 500 110 60 50 50 Finland 240 260 210 210 20 10 20 20 GDR 1,060 910 910 1,000 1,280 1,180 1,320 1,550 Kuwait † 10 400 360 † — 10 10 Hungary 11,000 10,000 9,430 9,930 3,980 4,090 4,500 6,020 Indonesia 800 520 520 550 110 60 80 120 Iran 11,300 9,650 13,800 23,200 3,140 2,600 3,660 5,230 Iraq 10,000 7,160 1,930 1,520 800 470 260 200 Israel 2,920 2,600 2,490 2,660 90 80 100 120 Japan 2,450 2,130 1,950 1,990 130 100 110 110 Jordan 1,300 990 870 870 260 150 160 160 Lebanon 2,070 1,700 1,900 2,200 400 380 330 370 Libya 5,030 6,170 6,950 1,910 1,050 720 600 340 Mexico 960 770 440 620 20 10 20 20 Morocco 3,260 3,120 3,420 3,570 120 110 100 100 Norway 330 380 350 360 120 50 70 50 Pakistan 10,900 11,500 13,600 16,520 1,180 1,160 1,100 1,390 Peru 240 240 340 270 10 10 10 10 Philippines 1,550 1,330 1,390 1,480 340 160 170 250 Poland 30,000 5,990 11,900 17,600 4,470 2,800 4,070 5,170 Portugal 1,590 1,340 1,390 1,530 50 60 100 60 Romania 1,840 1,250 1,100 1,150 1,550 1,110 1,070 1,310 Saudi Arabia 1,480 1,190 1,080 1,050 90 80 80 80 Somalia 260 240 260 280 50 30 20 30 South Africa 1,210 1,180 1,230 1,250 80 90 80 90 Spain 3,980 3,450 3,740 3,670 300 250 240 250 Sudan 2,080 1,420 1,180 1,200 160 150 100 110 Sweden 650 560 550 560 60 60 80 70 Switzerland 860 650 660 600 110 110 110 90 Syria 1,950 1,480 1,360 1,240 450 280 220 210 Thailand 670 600 670 670 80 50 60 60 Tunisia 1,240 1,090 1,110 1,240 120 90 70 90 Turkey 3,340 3,310 4,610 5,690 390 430 610 990 USA 7,140 7,040 8,260 9,300 1,260 1,660 1,840 2,360 USSR 2,770 2,950 2,540 2,130 1,500 1,440 1,290 1,370 Uruguay 110 80 80 80 10 * 10 * Venezuela 610 420 290 240 10 10 10 10 Yugoslavia 1,200 1,020 1,060 1,350 40 60 70 60 Other foreign countries 7,480 6,150 6,280 6,420 1,160 1,060 970 1,040 Stateless 28,700 20,200 20,600 21,200 4,450 3,600 3,360 3,550 Non EC foreign total 185,000 138,000 150,000 169,000 39,900 34,700 38,100 46,100 * less than 10. † not available. — nil.