HL Deb 23 July 1985 vol 466 c1190WA
Viscount Hanworth

asked Her Majestys' Government:

What further progress has been made on combined heat and power schemes in those cities which have expressed interest in such schemes?

The Mnister of State, Scottish Office (Lord Gray of Contin)

Consortia for Belfast and Edinburgh have signed a heads of agreement between their members, and the agreements with the department for grant aid towards the preparation of prospectuses are expected to be signed in the next few weeks. The consortium for Leicester is expected to be in a position to do so shortly. Each has appointed project managers, who are formulating detailed work programmes. The project managers have met to consider aspects of work which might be carried out jointly.

Consortia for Newcastle and Sheffield are also proceeding with further development work. Sheffield will shortly complete the study for which it received some financial assistance from the European Community and has applied to the Community for assistance with implementation of a scheme.