HC Deb 19 July 1985 vol 83 c299W
Mrs. Peacock

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many people were out of work in the Batley and Spen parliamentary constituency at the most recent count; and what was the comparable figure for the same area in the same month in 1975.

Mr. Alan Clark

The following information is available in the Library. On 13 June 1985 the number of unemployed claimants in the Batley and Spen constituency was 5,213. Statistics of unemployment for parliamentary constituencies are derived from the new ward-based system and are available from June 1983.

Mr. Lyell

asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will publish in the Official Report in relation to counties in England and Wales (a) wholly or substantially to the north-west of a line drawn between the Wash and the Bristol channel and (b) wholly or substantially to the south-east a line the figures for current unemployment showing (i) county by county and in aggregate the total numbers unemployed (ii) such numbers expressed as a percentage of the potential work force, (iii) the numbers and proportion of such unemployed people classified as long-term unemployed, (iv) the numbers and proportion of such unemployed people as are under 25 years and (v) the numbers and proportion of such unemployed under the age of 25 years as have been out of work for six months and 12 months, respectively.

Mr. Peter Bottomley

I am sending a copy of a computer printout giving the requested information for April 1985, the latest date for which an analysis by age and duration is available. This information is also available from the Library.