HL Deb 17 July 1985 vol 466 c852WA
Lord Hill-Norton

asked Her Majesty's Government:

By how much income over the year April 1984 to April 1985 fell below the level recommended by the Armed Forces Pay Review Body (Cmnd. 9255) on account of the staging of the award, in each of the ranks for which the review body is responsible.

Lord Trefgarne

The rates of pay which were in issue to servicemen during the period April 1984 to April 1985 are detailed in pages 26 and 27 of the AFPRB's 14th Report (Cmnd. 9526). The table below illustrates the amounts by which the take-home pay for each rank could have been less than that recommended by the AFPRB over the period. The actual amounts paid would have varied depending on personal tax liability and the type of accommodation being occupied:

Amount (£)
Rank Married Single
Brigadier 133 364
Colonel 319 362
Lt. Colonel 321 336
Major 296 300
Captain 224 229
Lieutenant 141 145
2nd Lieutenant 78 83
Warrant Officer Class 1 181 117
Warrant Officer Class 2 164 160
Staff Sergeant 148 144
Sergeant 157 152
Corporal 135 131
Lance Corporal 117 110
Private 105 98

Note: Army ranks have been given as an example. The other two services were affected in the same way. The pay represents the top end of the scale of each rank.

The examples assume that the appropriate type of `standard' service accommodation was occupied by all ranks and that only the basic personal tax allowance was claimed. The figures also reflect the Government's decision to stage the increased charges, for both food and accommodation, which were recommended by the AFPRB. This meant that the full charges applied only to the last five months of the financial year.