HC Deb 16 July 1985 vol 83 c71W
Mrs. Dunwoody

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what information he has as to the number of people employed in the road haulage industry in 1960 and in each of the last 10 years.

Mr. Alan Clark

The following table gives, for the dates specified, the estimated number of employees in employment in the road haulage industry in Great Britain. The Department's employment statistics are analysed according to the standard industrial classification (SIC). The figures for June 1960 to June 1981 are for minimum list headings (MLHs) 703 and 704 of the 1968 SIC while those for June 1982 to June 1984 are for group 723 of the 1980 SIC. The figures for September 1981 are on both bases.

Employees in Employment—Road Haulage Great Britain
1968 SIC MLHs 703 and 704 1980 SIC Group 723
June 1960 208,000 N/A
June 1975 224,200 N/A
June 1976 215,400 N/A
June 1977 219,900 N/A
June 1978 220,800 N/A
June 1979 222,500 N/A
June 1980 214,900 N/A
June 1981 192,800 N/A
September 1981 196,500 194,800
June 1982 N/A 191,400
June 1983 N/A 186,400
June 1984 N/A 184,200
N/A= Not available.