HC Deb 11 July 1985 vol 82 c486W
Mr. David Howell

asked the Secretary of State for Transport whether he will put forward proposals to the Civil Aviation Authority for variations in standard instrument depature routes so as to avoid prolonged periods of bunching of aircraft movements over specific communities.

Mr. Ridley

No. Although I appreciate that some communities experience more aircraft noise disturbance than others, I am satisfied that the present route structure represents the best balance that can be achieved by the Civil Aviation Authority in fulfilment of its various responsibilities, which include a requirement to take full account of disturbance to the public.

Mr. David Howell

asked the Secretary of State for Transport what discussions he has held with the Civil Aviation Authority concerning the current routeing structure for aircraft movements at Heathrow and Gatwick; and whether, in the light of noise disturbance, he will put forward proposals for operating the structure on a rotational basis.

Mr. Ridley

My officials hold regular discussions with the Civil Aviation Authority and the National Air Traffic Services about these matters. To seek to change the present operational structure in the way that my right hon. Friend suggests would place an unacceptable capacity constraint on Heathrow and Gatwick.