HC Deb 23 January 1985 vol 71 cc429-30W
Mr. Faulds

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what official aid has been given by the United Kingdom to (a) individual members of the Arab League, and Egypt and (b) non-Arab members of the Islamic Conference Organisation in each year from 1979 to 1983.

Mr. Raison

Official aid was as follows:

1. Members of the League of Arab States
£ thousand
1979 1980 1981 1982 1983
Algeria 53 334 5 38
Bahrain 348 3
Djibouti 10 4 3
Iraq 8
Jordan 13,618 4,682 7,086 3,308 2,747
Lebanon 323 56 142 1,436 20
Mauritania 42 43 369 48 1,029
Morocco 34 68 12,419 3,778 100
Oman 246 384 452 663 641
Saudi Arabia 7 1
Somalia 1,311 2,806 2,441 2,528 2,486
Sudan 14,199 22,576 32,672 39,417 32,194
Syria 119 308 456 443 1,748
Tunisia 81 70 82 723 122
United Arab Emirates 7
Yemen Arab Republic 1,805 2,725 2,540 2,842 3,756
Yemen, Peoples Democratic Republic 1,665 1,335 1,835 855 798
Sub—total 33,782 35,391 60,504 56,050 45,682
Egypt 17,816 12,246 8,124 7,478 10,573
Total 51,598 47,637 68,628 63,528 56,255

2. Non-Arab members of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference
£ thousand
1979 1980 1981 1982 1983
Afghanistan 1,372 668 43 30 192
Bangladesh 33,821 66,190 33,383 23,537 24,728
Benin 52 64 50 27 77
Bourkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta) 24 96 35 25 82
Brunei 12 12 11 9 8
Cameroon 1,125 5,151 3,543 3,132 3,142
Chad 45 26 35 360 156
Gabon 5 5 19
Gambia 2,796 2,270 2,321 2,480 2,400
Guinea 7 66 61

1979 1980 1981 1982 1983
Guinea-Bissau 173 56 739 244 105
Indonesia 13,144 11,190 15,350 17,219 12,358
Iran 28 10 20
Malaysia 1,638 10,547 10,124 6,381 3,872
Maldives 30 92 461 312 500
Mali 489 232 281 110 190
Niger 912 39 37 62 72
Pakistan 27,699 22,245 24,613 18,738 16,612
Senegal 980 213 255 517 416
Sierra Leone 3,283 2,843 3,165 3,833 3,199
Turkey 4,252 8,035 32,109 16,882 5,398
Uganda 2,212 2,875 15,078 10,647 6,109
Total 94,087 132,854 141,665 104,616 79,696

Mr. Faulds

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what amount of official British aid was channelled through United Nations organisations to projects in the West Bank or Gaza strip, or in Palestinian refugee camps in other areas in each year from 1979 to 1983.

Mr. Raison

The United Kingdom makes voluntary contributions towards the general costs of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the near East. For the years in question these were:

£ million
1979 4.4
1980 4.5
1981 5.0
1982 *5.0
1983 5.0
* Includes £1.0 million in food aid.

Projects for the support of Palestinian refugees are also financed from the budgets of UNESCO and UNICEF, to which we contribute.