HC Deb 18 February 1985 vol 73 c357W
Mr. Ron Davies

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland (1) why the Forestry Commission has held private discussions about it revisions of the "Broadleaves in Britain" review since September 1984 with non-governmental organisations representing farming, landowning and timber-growing interests;

(2) why the Forestry Commission has not held discussions since September 1984 with non-governmental organisations representing conservation interests about its revisions of the "Broadleaves in Britain" review.

Mr. John MacKay

The Forestry Commission is at present drawing up draft policy proposals for broadleaved woodlands for discussion at a seminar to be held in May, to which 27 organisations, representing a balanced cross-section of interests, have now been invited.

In the course of developing these proposals, the commission has had the benefit of the many comments it received in response to its consultative paper "Broadleaves in Britain"; it has also had meetings to discuss certain ideas with the Nature Conservancy Council, the Countryside Commission and the Countryside Commission for Scotland, covering the environment interest, and with some non-Government bodies whose interests were not covered by those agencies. The Forestry Commission will also be consulting other Government Departments before putting the draft policy proposals to the seminar.

Zone Name Date of Appointment Position at date of appointment Present Employment
North Mr. A. Jones 24 March 1977 Firemaster, Tayside Fire Brigade Commandant of Scottish Fire Service Training School
North Mr. D. Nicholl 21 October 1982 Firemaster, Tayside Fire Brigade Firemaster, Tayside Fire Brigade Retired
East Mr. J. Anderson 27 April 1976 Firemaster, Lothian and Borders Fire Brigade
West Mr. R. J. Knowlton 27 April 1976 Firemaster, Strathclyde Fire Brigade Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Fire Services for Scotland
South Mr. R. J. Knowlton 12 January 1984 Firemaster, Strathclyde Fire Brigade Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Fire Services for Scotland

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