HC Deb 14 February 1985 vol 73 cc261-2W
Mr. Austin Mitchell

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether he will publish in the Official Report a table showing for each year since 1968 the level of compensatory allowances paid to hill farmers for sheep and cattle in terms of current and 1980 prices and the total cost of such allowances to the Exchequer in each of those years.

Mr. MacGregor

The information is as follows:

Rates of Compensatory Allowance in the United Kingdom
Cattle Higher Rate Sheep Lower Rate Sheep
Year Rate of allowance £ 1980 price equivalent £ Rate of allowance £ 1980 price equivalent £ Rate of allowance £ 1980 price equivalent £
1968 21.25 85.93 1.22½ 4.95 0.70 2.83
1969 22.25 85.41 1.22½ 4.70 0.70 2.69
1970 23.75 85.68 1.60 5.77 1.07½ 3.88
1971 23.75 78.28 1.65 5.44 1.10 3.63
1972 24.50 75.38 1.75 5.38 1.20 3.69
1973 24.50 69.09 1.75 4.94 1.20 3.38
1974 24.50 59.55 3.00 7.29 2.25 5.47
1975 24.50 47.92 3.60 7.04 2.85 5.57
1976 29.00 48.67 3.60 6.04 2.85 4.78
1977 29.00 42.01 3.60 5.22 2.85 4.13
1978 29.00 38.80 3.60 4.82 2.85 3.81
1979 29.00 34.21 4.10 4.84 2.85 3.36
1980 35.00 35.00 5.50 5.50 4.25 4.25
1981 42.50 37.99 6.25 5.14 4.25 3.80
1982 44.50 36.63 6.25 5.14 4.25 3.50
1983 44.50 34.97 6.25 4.91 4.25 3.34
1984 44.50 33.31 6.25 4.68 4.25 3.18
1985 44.50 31.41 6.25 4.41 4.25 3.00


(1) To arrive at the 1980 price equivalent, the rates have been adjusted by the relevant RPI for each year.

(2) For ease of comparison, all rates have been expressed on a decimal basis.

(3) From 1968 to 1975 inclusive payments were made under the United Kingdom Hill Cattle and Hill Sheep Subsidy Schemes From 1976 onwards payments were made under Hill Livestock (Compensatory Allowances) Schemes.

(4) From 1985, allowances became payable in the new LFA. The rates are: Cattle—£22.25, Sheep—£2.12.

United Kingdom Expenditure by Financial Year*
1968–69 22.1
1969–70 23.9
1970–71 28.0
1971–72 29.6
1972–73 30.9
1973–74 34.3
1974–75‡ 67.5
1975–76‡ 22.4
1976–77 82.9
1977–78 50.2
1978–79║ 36.5
1979–80║ 96.4
1980–81 95.0
1981–82 84.5
1982–83 88.3
1983–84 91.5
1984–85¶ 97.4
* The total cost per calendar year could not be obtained without disproportionate cost.
† The total expenditure figures do not take account of the sums reimbursed from the guidance section of FEOGA, which since 1976 have amounted to 25 per cent. of eligible expenditure.
‡ Expenditure in these two years was distorted by a change in the qualifying date.
≑ Expenditure in these two years was distorted by delays due to industrial action.
¶ This is an estimated figure, which takes into account the extension of the less favoured area agreed in 1984.