§ Mr. McNamaraasked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, of people who are in prison because of supergrass evidence, how many have been remanded in prison for (a) three months, (b) six months, (c) nine months, (d) 12 months, (e) 15 months, (f) 18 months, (g) 21 months, (h) 24 months, (i) 27 months and (j) 30 months; of these people, how many have been convicted, acquitted or have actually gone to trial; and what was their period of detention or remand.
§ Mr. ScottInformation on remand times for those at present on remand in custody, charged on the basis of evidence from alleged accomplices, is not separately available and could be obtained only by a special exercise at disproportionate cost. Nor is it possible for the same reason to provide information directly comparable to that provided in my reply to similar questions from the hon. Member on 21 March 1984, at column497, and 19 July 1984, at column 283.
§ Mr. McNamaraasked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, for each year since 1980 what is the number of prisoners refused bail; and what is the average period of remand without bail for persons accused and charged either wholly or partially on the basis of accomplice evidence in each of the following categories (a) the top decile of prisoners awaiting trial for the longest period, (b) the top quartile of prisoners awaiting trial for the longest period, (c) the second quartile of prisoners awaiting trial for the longest period; and what is the average period of remand for all prisoners charged on the basis of such evidence.
§ Mr. Scott[pursuant to his reply, 28 January 1985, c. 71]: The number of applications for bail which were refused in each year since 1980 was as follows:
Number 1980 728 1981 951 1982 990 1983 855 1984 849 Information on remand times for those at present on remand in custody who have been charged on the basis of evidence from alleged accomplices is not separately 105W available and could be obtained only by a special exercise at disproportionate cost. Nor is it possible for the same reason to provide information directly comparable to that provided in my reply to a similar question from the hon. Member on 31 July 1984, at column 136.