HL Deb 18 December 1985 vol 469 c886WA
Lord Dean of Beswick

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether, pursuant to the Minister's reply to Lord Dean of Beswick's supplementary question on 4th December 1985 (col. 1296) on the subject of inner city poverty, they can give a financial estimate of what these measures will cost in total.

Lord Elton

The expenditure provision in 1986–87 for each of the programmes mentioned in my reply to the noble Lord's supplementary question on 4th December 1985 is as follows:

Housing Corporation *685
Urban Programme 317
Derelict Land 70
Home Office support for local authority posts dealing with the special needs of immigrants (grants under Section 11 of the Local Government Act 1966) 112 (1985–86 estimate 1986–87 estimate not available)
Youth Training Scheme 950
Community Programme 1000
Enterprise Allowance Scheme 142
TOTAL 3276
*comprises £585m cash limited expenditure plus £ 100m estimated capital receipts, but excludes local authority contribution, which is expected to be over £100m.