HC Deb 29 October 1984 vol 65 cc793-4W
Mr. Wareing

asked the Secretary of State for Energy if he will indicate the area of the Mersey estuary covered by the licence to carry out a seismic survey and oil drilling.

Mr. Buchanan-Smith

The petroleum licence PL265 covers the Mersey estuary down-stream from a north/south line drawn roughly between Garston and Ellesmere Port. A map showing the licenced area has been placed in the Library of the House.

Mr. Wareing

asked the Secretary of State for Energy what conditions have beer imposed on the licence granted to Shell (UK) Ltd. for the carrying out of seismic surveys and drilling for oil in the Mersey estuary.

Mr. Buchanan-Smith

The petroleum licence PL265 was awarded under existing Petroleum (Production) Regulations with additional considerations as follows:

  1. 1. There is no guarantee that a suitable drilling site in the marine area will be available. This is principally because of the wildlife and conservation interests which affect a large part of the area (see paragraph 2 below), although there are also navigation constraints. The licensee must consult both as to the site and the time of year of operations with the Department of Transport, Merseyside Ports Authority, and the Nature Conservancy Council. Should a suitable site be found an oil spill contingency plan must be prepared in consultation with NCC and submitted for approval by this Department.
  2. 2. There is no question of drilling taking place in inter-tidal areas. The search for a suitable drilling site must be confined to the northern half of the licensed area. The timing of any drilling operation will be limited to the period between 1 April and 31 August.
  3. 3. There are a number of fisheries in the area of application and the licensee must consult the Lancashire and Western Sea Fisheries Joint Committee to avoid placing any in jeopardy.
  4. 4. Exploration will not be permitted in an army firing range.
  5. 5. Discharges of oily water must be the subject of consultation with the NCC, MAFF, the local water authority and the Lancashire and Western Sea Fisheries Joint Committee.
  6. 6. Oily water-based drilling muds may be used, disposal of cuttings and muds must be on land under the control of the appropriate local authority.
  7. 7. Any development plan will be subject to particular scrutiny by all interested parties, the Department of the Environment taking the responsibility for co-ordination of consultation and for presenting the overall view of the proposal (the so-called "Government view" procedure modified from sand and gravel workings proposals).
  8. 8. Any development plan shall include an oil spill contingency plan, an assessment of the impact of the proposals and where appropriate a range of options for the location and type of facility both on and offshore.
  9. 9. Early consultation with the various authorities mentioned is required viz the local authorities bordering the area of operations, the NCC, the Port authorities, the Welsh and Mersey water authorities, the Lancashire and Western Sea Fisheries Joint Committee.

Mr. Wareing

asked the Secretary of State for Energy when he expects seismic surveys for oil to commence in the River Mersey estuary.

Mr. Buchanan-Smith

The licensee has no plan for an early seismic survey in any part of the licensed area. I have asked the licensee to keep the hon. Member informed.